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Guardian1030 t1_irxzc31 wrote

Excuse me, I’m new to astrophysics, and I’ve been teaching myself about redshift recently.

Are you implying that age from origin creates redshift in waveforms due to energy losses via time and space travelled?

I.E. a wave that started out at normal “red” frequency will lose frequency, or become longer and more toward infrared as it traverses the cosmos, and will lose more and more of its frequency rate as it goes farther and farther?

I’m asking to understand, not implicate that you’re wrong.


toasterbread75 t1_iry78rx wrote

That is correct, redshift is an expansion in wavelength (I.e. it’s heading toward the red end of the visible spectrum and even into infrared and beyond) and thus decreasing frequency. As what causes redshift, yes age can, due to the universe’s natural space-time expansion, this causes radiation’s wavelength to expand.

Read Hubble’s Law for more info on this


agent_flounder t1_iryf3km wrote

Hubble observed that the farther away a star was from us, the more redshifted it was. The amount of redshift was linearly related to the distance.

The farther away the object is from us, the faster it is moving away from us.

The interpretation is that the universe (spacetime) is expanding.