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The_Dead_See t1_irxnnve wrote

That microwave is so old it's redshifted into a radio wave.


CornmealGravy t1_irxnqa3 wrote

We used to have one that big. It could destroy a baloney and cheese sandwich.


snatchenvy t1_irxq0p5 wrote


I haven't heard/seen that name since The Price is Right


jimbodeako OP t1_irxuc1o wrote

Ok, "your Mama's microwave" jokes:

Your Mama's microwave is so old...

...The movie is done before the popcorn is


Ray_Band t1_irxv63y wrote

What's the wattage? I wonder if it's really high or really low.


Ray_Band t1_irxwsoh wrote

Yeah! I think 1000 is the lowest you'll find these days.

This was back in the days when they were still kinda marketing them as a potential replacement for an actual over, so I wondered if it was going to be some crazy 2000 watt model.


pilondav t1_irxxyq3 wrote

We had a Litton microwave growing up that had a rheostat power control and a mechanical timer. There was a little bell that rang when it stopped. My parents got tired of looking at the thing and gave it way, still working, after about 35 years.


Don_Cazador t1_irxz3oa wrote

Pretty sure my mom had a 34 year old microwave IN 1988


Guardian1030 t1_irxzc31 wrote

Excuse me, I’m new to astrophysics, and I’ve been teaching myself about redshift recently.

Are you implying that age from origin creates redshift in waveforms due to energy losses via time and space travelled?

I.E. a wave that started out at normal “red” frequency will lose frequency, or become longer and more toward infrared as it traverses the cosmos, and will lose more and more of its frequency rate as it goes farther and farther?

I’m asking to understand, not implicate that you’re wrong.


Live_Jazz t1_iry175p wrote

I bet that thing makes a mean Hot Pocket.

Digging the cozy mom vibes of that festive diorama, too.


il_postino t1_iry2uv7 wrote

I love that it's a "Spacesaver" but has enough space on top for a full blown diorama of ornaments


PansyChicken t1_iry46oo wrote

The microwave in the house we recently bought is a July 1995 Whirlpool. 875 watts. Original to the house (as is the 1995 Magic Chef/Maytag slide in electric range). My husband occasionally mentions replacing the microwave. I usually respond with wanting to see how long it will last before it dies.

Now I’m going to need to plan a birthday party for its upcoming 30th.


toasterbread75 t1_iry78rx wrote

That is correct, redshift is an expansion in wavelength (I.e. it’s heading toward the red end of the visible spectrum and even into infrared and beyond) and thus decreasing frequency. As what causes redshift, yes age can, due to the universe’s natural space-time expansion, this causes radiation’s wavelength to expand.

Read Hubble’s Law for more info on this


c6h12o6CandyGirl t1_iry7qq2 wrote

You were lucky to have a keypad! We had Dad for several millennia (what it felt like) in the kitchen with a pressure cooker and SKRITCHASKRITCHASKRITCHA until things began to explode.

The individual popcorns, not my Dad. Although, if he had enough Miller Lite that day, sometimes he'd explode too...

: )


LudovicoSpecs t1_irya3y9 wrote

My mom had one of those. Holee shit did it nuke stuff fast. She bought it back before food had microwave instructions. First test was a chicken kiev that took 45 minutes in the oven. Figured--ah-- 10 minutes in the microwave??

Fucking charcoal briquette.

Put it on the kitchen counter with a sign as a warning to the rest of the family.


agent_flounder t1_iryf3km wrote

Hubble observed that the farther away a star was from us, the more redshifted it was. The amount of redshift was linearly related to the distance.

The farther away the object is from us, the faster it is moving away from us.

The interpretation is that the universe (spacetime) is expanding.


thatvhstapeguy t1_irygwmd wrote

I found this exact model in a high school faculty lounge a few years ago, still heating up leftovers.


GodlikeCat t1_irym5aa wrote

Why are microwaves so freaking durable? I'd expect such a weird, modern invention would come with mechanical issues or something but nooo... The one at my house is older than me and I'm in my early 30s and it's still working just as good as new


jimbodeako OP t1_irymuwv wrote

I ruined a perfectly good microwave by putting EasyMac in it without water. What a mess, black smoke, and I could never get the smell out of the microwave. Got a decent one now though.


Maxx0rz t1_irynu1q wrote

An old microwave like this can't be as energy efficient as a modern one, is it?


bag-goyle-la-vick t1_iryoi3z wrote

Probably costs two or $3 per 30 second heat up 😂


Nellasofdoriath t1_iryq92j wrote

We also have a microwave from my husband's parents. Are they too hardcore to make shoddily?


romannum700 t1_iryrjg8 wrote

I did a double-take; my folks have this exact model in their kitchen. The only issue they've had is the light having gone out! It's an impressive make.


Professional-Talk720 t1_iryskiz wrote

Well, I know this microwave because I lived in that house takes about two 4 minute runs to heat up a small bowl of soup...when my Mom comes visit me, she's like..."can you heat up my coffee for 10 minutes in the microwave"..."um, no actually I can't, or it will blow up the house!" I really think that my brother, Mom and I should glow in the dark after using this thing for so long. I almost dropped my teeth when our 6yr old microwave died...I'm like..."Excuse me, what, they only last 6 to 7 years!!"


ChickenButtEtc t1_irytltm wrote

Mine is from 77! The handle fell off but don't worry, we glued it back on


Own-Safe-4683 t1_iryur2c wrote

I grew up with the same one. Not sure what happened to it.


turgid_wang t1_iryvziu wrote

Finally a real BI4L

Stopped coming here when it became "these boots I just got!"


DaHick t1_iryxeh5 wrote

Yeah, electrical efficiency has increased, and power has had increased some, but there is a reason all those commercial/bad restaurant grade microwaves look similar


Picklebiscuits t1_iryyruw wrote

"Why the fuck are these dumbass kids putting a baloney and cheese sandwich in me? I'm gonna do them a favor and fuck this thing to pieces. Buncha uncultured swine."


tomfc t1_irz5czq wrote

Your Mama’s microwave is so old, it probably outlived the store that sold it.

We have a microwave my grandma bought at Montgomery Ward that still works. It’s date label says “1985.”


Fredacus t1_irz6hy1 wrote

I lite a rally just ditched my 1986 microwave last year. Washed the front and some liquid got under the keypad. RIP. (Thing was big enough to fit a whole turkey.)


drivermom t1_irz8apn wrote

I had a Tappan! I got it in about 87 or 88 also! I loved that thing! It lasted 23 years. I cried when it died! I'm jealous of your parents!


adrift_in_the_bay t1_irz8x4h wrote

We had one a bit older but the casing started to melt down so it finally convinced my parents to replace it - eep!


phuhcue t1_irz91km wrote

Tappan is Cooking.


YouFeastOnFeces t1_irzc0c5 wrote

Old fashion ones were better. Having a dial to turn is much quicker than having to punch a bunch of digits on a keypad.


jaybyday t1_irzcgbe wrote

Well, you have an excuse for when mom asks for kids.


NickCharlesYT t1_irzd0hs wrote

I wish I knew how to find a microwave that won't burn out it's LCD within like 5 years. Mine all seem to dim to the point they're unreadable very quickly.


gloatingfern t1_irzdprz wrote

I ruined a microwave by heating a sweet potato for 10 minutes, and following it up with a cup of milk for 3 minutes without cooling. There were electrical sparks, shut off, and wouldn't turn back on, even after letting it cool down.


swalabr t1_irzdu81 wrote

I remember selling this model


Titanium09 t1_irzeb6a wrote

My microwave delivered in February of 2020 broke for the second time.


UntilYouKnowMe t1_irzfzny wrote

Thanks for sharing… And, I thought mine was old (GE Smartwave) from 1996. It’s also a countertop model.

For the most part, it’s still working great. However, I’m already starting to look for its replacement.
The “catch” is that in my next one, I want a similar feature of my current one: It’s a “flatbed”, meaning that there is no round turntable in it. There is a large glass rectangular tray, but no revolving round turntable.

I can’t find one like it. The only thing close are small commercial units (think: company break rooms) or ones with dials (and I prefer the touchpads.


Godcranberry t1_irzgliq wrote

I really like her figures on top of the microwave.

those are nice 🙂


tjx-1138 t1_irzl7pg wrote

> 34 year old


> from 1988

...goddamn you.


valdm t1_irzlbky wrote

Are they more dangerous than new ones ?


Susquehanna420 t1_irzloea wrote

That microwave so red it time traveled Lol


ponytoaster t1_irzsz8x wrote

This really, most are BIFL unless you get unlucky. Even the electronic ones never really seem to break. We have a cheap one which is about 12yr old and that's still like new, parents have one from when I was young (also cheap) which is fine.

This post is a little meh as it's not like the world is full of disposal microwaves that last little time!


ameliageika t1_irzyubb wrote

Why you gotta call me out like that


mohavewolfpup t1_is02eys wrote

the only real change in microwave technology has been the Inverter. You can really cut the time off meals with them. Something that takes say 7 minutes you can shave 3-4 minutes off it in comparison to the older non inverter microwaves.

To the OP: look for a microwave radiation tester out there and ensure it isn't leaking anything out


pjrnoc t1_is07ppk wrote

In LOVE with the top trinket setup! I gotta do that to mine.


Maxx0rz t1_is0998u wrote

So I'd assume that the inverter definitely makes a difference then if you can shave 40% off of cooking time, that means it's operating for 40% less time and using less energy right?


mohavewolfpup t1_is09vo7 wrote

Possibly. That’s honestly out of my wheelhouse. Looked up one and it uses 12.4 amps.

In theory there is efficiency at cutting the cooking time down, but that’s starting to get into my most hated subject: math.

Just go by the fact it cooks quicker and the hardest part is adjusting the cooking time. A 1200 watt inverter microwave is a hell of a lot more powerful then a “conventional” 1200 watt microwave, so it’s better to shave 1-2 minutes off it then adjust accordingly if it isn’t cold enough. A pot pie for example has a 7 minute cook time on it, but cooking it for 3:45 in the microwave I use gets it piping hot. 7 would probably be a boiling puck of carbon…


ghostedygrouch t1_is0nwka wrote

I still have my Mum's microwave from 1992!


MyUsernameIsNotLongE t1_is0pwuf wrote

Man, this microwave is only three years younger than me and it is still working properly. Unlike me. lol


Dosmastrify1 t1_is0rt4i wrote

Care watch technology connections on YouTube?

I believe he says microwaves peaked in the 80s


brutix0385 t1_is0t0ee wrote

Nah man 1988 was only 16 years ago.


benderofx t1_is1bbe6 wrote

I bought a new house in 2019. The "builder grade" microwave they put in is broken now. It is the first and only microwave I've owned that broke from normal use.


Prestigious-Piglet72 t1_is1cmlw wrote

My folks have a similar one and just in the last year the number display started kind of going out lol


dmt_alpha t1_is1dauc wrote

I used to have a microwave from the 80s. It finally gave up and caught fire in 2020. The replacement I got is good for nothing, compared to the old one.


Kottepalm t1_is1hhbh wrote

My former microwave oven just died, stone cold and didn't start. But then it had been trough multiple moves. My parent's which has been sitting in the same space since they bought it is still going strong about twenty years later.


valdm t1_is1mm1k wrote

I met an 85yo at a retirement home, once ballet dancer, she told me her secret : smoke a lot to stay thin... Some might have such good genes that they can get away with anything


kelsobjammin t1_is20tht wrote

Damn wish the guy who yelled at me for suggesting an electronic item for BIFL sees this post. Fuck you dude, told you electronics can last stupid bitch.


Brendan110_0 t1_is27748 wrote

All magnatrons are Chinese crap these days. Cheap and fast to produce outweighed the west good design slower to make.

Need to reverse this trend now we know it'll destroy the planet.


Skookum_Smoke t1_is3i3cq wrote

Bwhahahaha...we had that same micro in our platoon room. Imagine testosterone hopped up 18 year old airborne infantry grunts doing God knows what with that thing and it was literally BOMB proof. This pic made me laugh hard and brought back some nostalgia fo sho!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤘


Professional-Talk720 t1_is3qto0 wrote

He is best brother ever...we are completely opposite, never fight, and always have a great time together. I am so lucky. Pretty funny I have no interest in his profile honestly, I really don't look at his facebook page either...I only look at what he tags me in. From what you say, it must be good that I don't. 🤣 Actually, I lied...we both have the driest sense of humor!


MrKixs t1_is3te5v wrote

Holy shit, we had that same microwave when I was a kid.


DukeKaboom1 t1_iu4y3fi wrote

Eventually things like the door sensor switches will wear out.I just replaced mine this week. 10 bucks for the parts from Amazon. Pretty easy install. Good as new.

Too many people just toss appliances and electronics when they fail. I have fixed countless stuff (microwaves, dishwashers, washing machines, gaming consoles, TV's, etc) with nothing more than a multimeter, soldering gun and Google/Youtube.