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TheTwelveYearOld OP t1_is94kdd wrote

I looked at Berkey pitchers but god damn are those expensive!


carbonaratax t1_is95anu wrote

Why are you dropping it? I've got a plastic collapsable jug I use for camping, if you need it for similar rough use


Dutchnesss1 t1_is95sx3 wrote

We have a Berkey. I also thought they were expensive, until I loo Ed at how expensive it is to replace these cheap filters all the time. They say the black Berkey filters need to be replaced once a year or so, but it's not really true, you can rinse and clean them out with vinegar and stuff and keep on using them. The long term costs are much lower than this type you're showing


pkluree t1_isc83re wrote

Lol. I have this water dispenser and it has worked really well for 4+ years. Dishwasher safe and can find filters at a good price a few times a year.

I have had no problems with dropping it though? ๐Ÿ˜†

I know the ideal solution would be the water dispenser as part of the fridge, but we do not have a water line to our fridge and this was the easier solution!


mildOrWILD65 t1_iscl4br wrote

My mother has two similar ones she keeps in the fridge. We have a whole-house filtration system in the basement, one filter for sediment, the other activated charcoal for chemicals. The refrigerator has its own wanted filer for the water/ice dispenser. She fills these up from the fridge. I guess she could boil it after all that but, Lordy! we drink some clean water!


TheTwelveYearOld OP t1_isdjbuv wrote

I REALLY should've explained that part once I posted this! The 1 gallon pitcher is for my college dorm room and because I drink so much water, I have to refill it every 1-2 days, I do so by going to the communal bathroom sink and back.


ILikeBumblebees t1_isj1bfw wrote

Why would anyone have any drops that they'd recommend?


waorak t1_ispr2ah wrote

We use a Slim Line Fridge Jug from the Container Store. You just need to remember to open the fill cap to let air in. The handle makes it easy to carry and to get into the top shelf of the fridge.


leadfoot9 t1_itbteqh wrote

Never tried it, but Life WIthout Plastic has some big stainless steel ones. They are not cheap.