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mycopollo t1_isqd6sz wrote

The cooked on oil is the same thing as seasoning on a cast iron pan, so it's fine.

But if you 100% want it gone .. Oven cleaner will take polymerized oil off metal.


tessalata t1_istzp4a wrote

Thanks! I use a cast iron pan regularly but the waffle iron plates aren’t behaving like a seasoned pan. Maybe the issue isn’t cooked on oil? The last time I made waffles with this waffle iron, the batter stuck horribly to the waffle iron plates and the waffle split in half as I opened the waffle iron.


mycopollo t1_isudfn8 wrote

You can feel it. If it is sticky it is partially polymerized and probably should be taken off with oven cleaner.

I treat my waffle iron like a cast iron pan and reseason it every once in a while when it loses it's nonstickyness.


tessalata t1_isyujb3 wrote

Then perhaps it’s not cooked on oil that’s the problem. I’ve used this waffle iron for years without issue. This year, the waffles stuck to both sides of the waffle plates, splitting the waffles in half when I opened the waffle iron.