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BallsOutKrunked t1_isq9t45 wrote

No, there are no studies to tell you that snapon tools will be better than the cheapest garbage you can get on amazon. Feel free to roll those dice as you see fit.


DeadbeatPillow1 t1_istkrkm wrote

Project farm on YouTube does exactly this.


BallsOutKrunked t1_istmfpi wrote

Not arguing with you, but OP is looking for studies and specifically states he's not looking for "online recommendations". I have my own youtube channel where I explain a few things here and there but I'm certainly not a double blind peer reviewed data point.


Brandon3541 t1_isrp5d1 wrote

There is testing done on such things, they just aren't scientific-peer-reviewed studies... which isn't as much of a step down as it may sound like (or necessarily at all for that matter).

Myth busters was popular and widely considered a good source of testing things... but they actually fell into the same boat of not being I'm the format of scientific-peer-reviewed studies.

Anyway though... on the topic of Snap-On, testing, and circle-jerking, the general consensus of those that test multiple different brands against each other is typically that on average Snap-On is only slightly better than many brands of "average" grade tools... but those tools tend to be SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than them, and so snap-on tools are just generally not a good value.


BallsOutKrunked t1_isrpjhf wrote

I think it depends on what you mean by "average". I intentionally compared it to Amazon chinesium. If you want to compare it to Gear Wrench then sure, snapon is a smidgen better but much pricier.


Brandon3541 t1_isrq74w wrote

Ah fair enough, I actually have some cheap "chinesium" tools (think $20 for a big set) I keep as spare in my trunk and they work for that purpose where they are just basic tools for if something goes wrong, but they aren't being used night and day in a shop.

I know those aren't going to compare to any decent brand, but that doesn't bother me for as rarely as they see use.

For more normal use I have a smattering of whatever I could find that was decent.


RennoSeenik t1_isz9ujo wrote

I bought some snap on metric combination spanners when I was an 18 year old apprentice and I still use them in industry every day 36 years later. I've snapped precisely one of them by using a pipe over it as leverage. The snap on rep still exchanged it without quibble. I've changed the innards of my 3/8 ratchet twice, again FOC. I think a quality brand like snap on, beta or teng that comes with a lifetime warranty is BIFL for sure.

As regards white goods etc, efficiency improvements tend to rule out buying for life and I look for decent longevity and reliability instead...