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nodewarrior1 t1_itdko3x wrote

man be careful with that . there is still al lot of small amounts of rust. if that gets in ure food u will get sick. lock jaw bro is no joke!!!


nodewarrior1 t1_itdr2su wrote

get all the rust off. then take a magnify glass and just look it over to make sure all the rust is off

a lot of food vendors in india make food products sometimes with rusty stuff.... gets ppl very sick. then someone attacks their food stall etc.


nodewarrior1 t1_itehu6x wrote

hmmm strange i was always under the impression it was rust that cause lock jaw tettnus from hearing stories about ppl stepping on rusty nails and dying. rust literally contributes nothing to it. i feel so dumb noww


8x56isfmj000 t1_itek3hj wrote

I’ve got a similar one from my parents that’s as old as I can remember 60+ years, the blade has never been sharpened and still cuts potatoes cleanly. Seen a lot of potatoes coming from a family of 8.


ComplaintNo6835 t1_itelw13 wrote

Rust greatly increases the surface area where the bacteria can live. Puncture wounds are more likely to impart the bacteria. Metal in soil is a common source of puncture wounds and metal sitting around in soil is rusty.


BubbaBuddha2020 t1_itf3x4q wrote

I have 3 almost like it and use them weekly on potatoes mostly


artloverr t1_itf6qav wrote

What is dremmel? The tool?


imissapostrophes t1_itf77qj wrote

What is a dremmel? Google doesn’t come up with anything?


sevent33nthFret t1_itfe93d wrote

Just buy the steri strips now before you need them to put your hand back together.

My kitchen rule is no mandolins. Only for music!!


omw_to_valhalla t1_itfi55i wrote

Careful of your fingers!

These things are great for processing vegetables, but they'll fuck your shit up if you're not careful.


totallypooping OP t1_itgtfva wrote

I didn’t acknowledge because I’m a busy person and I don’t have all day to spend on Reddit replying to things. It was clearly a joke and it bombed. That’s what happens sometimes with senses of humor and strangers. I don’t care and I’m moving on with my life and deleting this post as I have other things to do. Have a good day


Dream0tcm t1_ithc58e wrote

Would probably be good to drop it in some Evapo-Rust


javaavril t1_ithhg82 wrote

While I do agree that nickel is a finer finish, replating in nickel while it is embossed as "chrome steel" would be so disordered in my brain!

If OP doesn't have pendant issues they should totally do that though :)