Submitted by InncnceDstryr t3_ycermy in BuyItForLife
I don’t know if these boots are strictly BIFL, they certainly have been for me so far. I have had them for 7 years and aside from needing a little bit of love, they’re still in great condition.
Problem is, I’m a big dude. But I used to be a bigger dude. My feet are now a full size smaller than they were when I got my boots and now they’re just a little bit too big.
Does anyone have any specific tips for me to decrease the size so I can keep my boots? I’d really rather keep them and not need to shell out for a new pair.
I know there are little foamy pads you can slide in the toe space, I’ve done that in other shoes but my toes squished them.
Any tips would be hugely appreciated.

mal-sor t1_itlpoq6 wrote
Put some insoles they help a lot,also clean and condition them.