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Muncie4 t1_iu6vzvi wrote

My opinion is for you to learn about vacuums as you are currently ignorant. And don't get all butt-hurt over that term as its not personal.

  1. Most cordless vacuum cleaners are bagless which are inferior to bagged model.
  2. Most cordless vacuum cleaners are inferior to their corded cousins in terms of suction, spinning and bag capacity.
  3. You buy vacuums based on floor did not post your floor type, so zero people can help you.
  4. You can live alone or have 42 dogs, your vacuum cares not...the "dog and cat" labels on vacuums are for the ignorant.
  5. Lifespan on cordless vacuums is a gray area as, as a form factor, there isn't a huge run time on them. We talk about 50 year old Kirbys on here a lot, but we've yet to talk about a 5 year old cordless Dyson.
  6. Your best resource is likely the Youtube channel Vacuum Wars though it only speaks to function not lifespan. There is no commonly spoken of BIFL cordless vacuum cleaner.

If you think a cordless is going to best your main vacuum, you are mistaken. We have a Wyze decreases the periodicity of our main vacuum use. We have a Dyson decreases the periodicity of our main vacuum use and is great for small accidents and is quick and drama free. We have two Miele main vacuums which kick the ever living dogshit of the Wyze and Dyson as they sucks like a SOB and are tough as nails....they are BIFL and I'll beat my chest about them. The Wyze and Dyson are probably the best of class for their form factors, but I ain't beatin' my chest about them.