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agentvulva t1_iu9q3ye wrote

it doesnt matter wool or cotton, the baseline should be minimum 60% otherwise the socks cannot breathe. Merino is great but not when you go for full on 37% polymers with it.


DoctorCIS t1_iua1v29 wrote

They said 63%, then you said they need to be 60% at least. So doesn't that mean that they have enough to meet your standards?


Andyb1000 t1_iu9qi6a wrote

And where did you get your textile / materials science engineering degree from? Or is this just on of your reckons?

I’d more likely trust Big Wool than a random Redditor.


jenofindy t1_iuc2b64 wrote


Edit: TIL that typing a hashtag makes text bigger. The more you know 🌈


chloe_1218 t1_iue2p0w wrote

You should not be commenting on this subject if a) you cannot do simple math (100%-63% is not 37% but nice try) and b) you don’t actually read the comments you’re replying to.