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ZookeepergameTight88 t1_iu9tn39 wrote

Try a few different styles. I vote to be a REI co-op member. You can wear them for a week or two and bring them back if you don’t like. They are the only sock I wear. But because I wear steel toe Redwings 60 hours a week the full cushion boot socks are my favorites. I have over 25 pair of all different sizes.


Amocat11 t1_iubely2 wrote

Just curious, why do you buy all different sizes for yourself?


GetTheRobitussin t1_iubkk6q wrote

Some are lower or higher than others and there are different cushion types, maybe that’s what he meant unless he is unsure what size he is

Edit: they*


MakinDessert t1_iucf9lj wrote

My REI socks are the worst ones I’ve purchased. The only wool socks I get blisters in. I wanted to like them because I thought I got them for a good price but they get thinned out faster than any other pair I have.