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wastedkarma t1_iud50uq wrote

Totally fair price, better than fair actually!

Feel good now?

Awesome, because you were actually totally bamboozled. Sorry.

The real question to ask yourself is: Why is your enjoyment of the rug at all tied to the fairness of the price?


sbayz92 OP t1_iud5dbk wrote

Haha ok ok… I simply just like to know what something is worth when I purchase something. This is my first expensive rug purchase so I was hoping to hear from someone who has some expertise to chime in..


nonameredditerguy t1_iud6olw wrote

I’m no expert but it looks great. Lemme say what the other commenter said without sounding like an ass, if you like it and it lasts forever then it’s perfect for you.

Buying for life most of the time means paying more for something and that’s okay. The gamble comes from longevity


wastedkarma t1_iudgp6z wrote

Seriously it’s a gorgeous rug.


sbayz92 OP t1_iudnr0v wrote

Thank you! We gravitated towards it because we felt it represented the colors of our home state (nature).