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home_cheese OP t1_ixzjvey wrote

Those guys are something else. Whenever they rolled into the quarry I worked at all work stopped. You went back to the office and didn't talk to them. Some guys were pretty chill, in and out in a couple hours. Others would absolutely scrutinize everything. Find the dumbest shit to write you up for. That hook and winch you've been using for the last 20 years to pull and move rocks stuck in the jaw crusher? Been good all those years but now? Getting a write-up now!

The place I work for now used to be paired with a quarry but split into two different companies 6 months ago. No more MSHA!


AlastorAugustus t1_ixzkhyc wrote

Haha yea it’s pretty much the same underground. Most of the actual safest ways to do things are complete MSHA violations so any time an inspector is around is a great time to ‘take 5’ lol