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Will_Winters t1_iwrv8mw wrote

100%. The one tip funeral homes don't want you to know; Use the coffin just for the funeral not the burial. Then pass down the rocker AND coffin to your children. BIFE Put me in a burlap sack and save the $10k.


Tack122 t1_iwrybm7 wrote

Just store the coffin in the attic with a realistic plastic skeleton inside for the time between funerals?


Will_Winters t1_iws128m wrote

Bring it out for Halloween and rent it out for other funerals too. I mean, this is funny...but why the fuck DON'T we do this? The buried expensive casket is a moronic idea.


Tack122 t1_iws1jwg wrote

Realistically, the funeral home ought to have a few of each of the fancy coffins they offer and all the customers share/reuse them, wash the liners between funerals, but I think that overly engages people's squeamishness about corpses.


HedonisticFrog t1_iwsfhwc wrote

That's a great idea. You can parade me in a nice coffin, and then have a release hatch on the bottom where my body falls down once it's level with the ground.


mx5fan t1_iwsit3x wrote

Kinda the same reason why diamonds are ridiculously priced even though they're actually very common in nature.

The funeral business is one that I believe is particularly predatory -- they prey on the emotional response of people at their most vulnerable state to upsell shit they can't afford, all under the guise that it's "showing your respect to the dead." Whether you feed your dearly departed dad to a pack of pigs or take out a loan to bury him in a fancy cemetery with a $30k mahogany casket, he is none the wiser.


EngFarm t1_iws0xum wrote

Use it as decoration for Halloween and as a blanket/toy chest during the rest of the year.


Tack122 t1_iws196m wrote

"Why is the children's playroom decorated like a funeral parlor?"

"Ah you see, it's a dual use room, we store the toys in the coffin when we aren't mourning in there!"