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BornAgainSpecial t1_ix4bbwj wrote

Gaskets wear out even just sitting there. Not sure how you only replaced it once.


CircusHoffman t1_ix4hwdq wrote

Maybe because of daily use? Things just sitting there can dry out faster then when in use.


NESWizard t1_ix5jo3g wrote

I had an aluminum Express when living with my EX. It had a white gasket that seemed to wear out all the time. We both used it daily and we would replace it 2 or 3 times a year. When I moved out I bought a stainless steel Venus, it came with a semi-transparent gasket. I have not had to replace it the entire time I have owned it. Daily use for almost six years. Don't know what the difference is in materials is, I believe both state silicone gaskets.


The_Revisioner t1_ix6inwm wrote

The white gaskets are rubber and will wear out pretty quick.

The clear ones are silicone and last ages.