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Fryceratops t1_ix9weuh wrote

A gas car battery never biodegrades. In addition the claims you are making about EV's are straight out of gas company funded studies. It might be the case the footprint of a new EV is greater than a specific used car but you cannot generalize that for all ev's.


LowGradePlayer t1_ix9xgii wrote





Fryceratops t1_ixa10lb wrote

Sometimes that does not work to be the better option. There are times when new is going to be better over the long term, for example most medical implants, or in cases of things that use toxic or otherwise less ideal chemicals like old fridges running on CFC refrigerants. Reusing is ideal for most things but not everything.


zombienudist t1_ixa3tsn wrote

Even just the extra energy of using something that is less efficient could mean it is better to make a new one rather then keep using it.