Submitted by VapeMySemen t3_z3x4gl in BuyItForLife
cykovisuals t1_ixo6uup wrote
Well, are you a businessman now or what?
[deleted] t1_ixo73jx wrote
I had a clock that synced with NIST or some other org which was really freaking cool.... until the sync broke and was always 10 minutes off. Set it manually and about an hour or 2 later it was back to being 10 minutes off.
Was a bit sad when I got rid of it
BuzzMcTroit t1_ixo77iy wrote
It's changed a few times since 1966, and it varies a bit in a few states/territories of the US. It was the last Sunday in April and last Sunday in October back then.
RepublicanUntil2019 t1_ixo8f18 wrote
My water plant got a bunch of these when it open in 1995. They are still up and running.
dcormier t1_ixo8zn8 wrote
And the back has a switch for the time zone.
haemaker t1_ixo9blp wrote
What a strange bug.
[deleted] t1_ixo9ta7 wrote
Yup. I'm guessing that there was a slight low/high voltage issue somewhere in there that was skewing it, but I wasn't going to tear it apart, figure out what component needed to be repaired/replaced, repair/replace said component, and hope that it fixed it. It would have taken hours and by that point my phone was a more reliable alarm so I got rid of it.
BuzzOnBuzzOff t1_ixoae7v wrote
I have 4 of those same clocks around the house.
graveybrains t1_ixoai2h wrote
If anyone wants to nerd out a bit, this is the radio station it’s listening to:
VapeMySemen OP t1_ixoaq04 wrote
I've changed the batteries maybe twice in my life, things a beast
BuzzOnBuzzOff t1_ixoaukh wrote
Same here.
VapeMySemen OP t1_ixob0wl wrote
Ahhh interesting, learned something new today thank you
Bikouchu t1_ixoc4lc wrote
Meanwhile my Honda GPS navigation on my 08 si can't even get the time right.
WhatAGoodDoggy t1_ixod2km wrote
Show your appreciation by giving it a clean.
CzarDestructo t1_ixodpa5 wrote
And you can install an android app that emulates the signal with your phone speaker. Most modern phone CPUs have high enough quality sound that it can make the signal clean enough to update devices that otherwise can't receive the signal.
Gernafax t1_ixoezlt wrote
home_cheese t1_ixog7ca wrote
You should have asked for cocaine as well. Everybody knows businessmen love that stuff.
Fronterra22 t1_ixohn0x wrote
WWVB gang unite!
JerryBoBerry38 t1_ixoho21 wrote
And the station WWV (no B on the end) broadcasts the signal on several high frequency bandwidths. If you have a shortwave radio you can listen to those.
How I've set my watches since the late 80's.
gerusz t1_ixok8vn wrote
Then we can chalk it up to the radio control. That signal has a DST bit.
VapeMySemen OP t1_ixoks9m wrote
My A/C brings in hella dust lmfao
I will give it another wipe down though
Nighfe t1_ixokya9 wrote
No it’s only been this way since 2007
T-MoneyAllDey t1_ixokz6d wrote
My watch is connected to this too I think.
blamemeIdidntdoit t1_ixoog04 wrote
What's the thing on the upper left under the PM?
AutumnSpecialist t1_ixoontv wrote
I have this with my Sony Dream Machine. Has the old iPod docking station in it. It always runs 25 minutes fast, but it never fails me!!
VapeMySemen OP t1_ixooyqr wrote
It shows a "P" when it's pm
[deleted] t1_ixop3oi wrote
VapeMySemen OP t1_ixop6p5 wrote
Above the "P" is America
GnowledgedGnome t1_ixopcr7 wrote
I wish my newer (maybe 10 years old) was this smart. Awhile back when the timing of the change was updated it kept on switching on the same old schedule
VapeMySemen OP t1_ixopmdx wrote
It's a beast
Ri99ed t1_ixopmj9 wrote
My guess is pacific time zone.
BigEmu9286 t1_ixoq5pa wrote
How do you know
fireguy0306 t1_ixoqmvs wrote
Ok that’s really cool.
Western_Detective_84 t1_ixoqv0m wrote
Gave this an upvote for lasting longer than anyone would expect. That's a worthy goal.
Then almost took the upvote away when I saw the username. Dude! EWWWWW! Gross! (of course, that's probably his point.)
TheManCaveGamer2 t1_ixordwn wrote
I had this clock
infinitejones t1_ixosqdm wrote
Thanks for the edifying and informative post, u/VapeMySemen! It's a very cool gadget.
diab0lus t1_ixot3al wrote
Do you have allergies at home? I just bought a hepa air purifier because my old dusty house causes me all sorts of sinus issues.
SoFisticate t1_ixot9e1 wrote
No the P is pacific time. The america shows Pacific time zone
loganwachter t1_ixou18h wrote
There’s also a number you can dial to get the time. I use it to make test calls to verify phones are working at work. (202)762-1401
dubbed4lyfe t1_ixouavq wrote
shit man I got the same clock lmao
loganwachter t1_ixouaz8 wrote
My clock does this! It’s always 10min 22sec off.
AIexanderClamBell t1_ixouy83 wrote
I have the Sony dream machine that is going strong
TacospacemanII t1_ixouzav wrote
Thats awesome
SickRanchez27 t1_ixov5il wrote
Well u/vapemysemen ?????
RamenWrestler t1_ixovqit wrote
So why not set it 10min off to begin with to cancel it out
ArseholeAlexa t1_ixowb07 wrote
That is so weird, I have that number saved in my phone, and I decided to call it tonight and the computer is not picking up and saying “on the beep, the time is————-“
loganwachter t1_ixowe3w wrote
I’ve noticed recently it’s been ringing for about 20 seconds and then answers.
ArseholeAlexa t1_ixown4a wrote
HUH. It just worked after you posted and I called it back.
“US Naval Observatory master clock, at the tone, Eastern Standard time, 22 hours 29 minutes 30 seconds”
loganwachter t1_ixowqt3 wrote
Just called from one of my phones. Rang forever. Called from the other and it answered immediately. Seems it has a mind of its own.
ArseholeAlexa t1_ixowz2m wrote
“22 hours 32 minutes exactly.”
Welp, it seems to be working just fine. It must have a small queue of phone calls coming in.
FilteringOutSubs t1_ixoxybb wrote
There aren't that many time signals in the US. Also, it's in the clock's instructions
The_Colorman t1_ixoyqvy wrote
Was going to say it has to be hitting a radio or something.Daylight saving days changed something like 15 years ago.
LeamNoran t1_ixozhca wrote
And that signal itself has DST bits encoded so whenever DST moves around these can stay current. You can even get watches that can do WWVB. So cool!
VapeMySemen OP t1_ixoztxz wrote
Thank you
OddishShape t1_ixozuk8 wrote
I’m not gonna say you were a cool kid, but it sounds like you were a bright one
NotYour_Ordinary_Guy t1_ixp0qq6 wrote
Completely agree! I have the same thing and I honestly can't even remember when I last changed the batteries.
noflooddamage t1_ixp0vgk wrote
Electronics from the 2000s were built like tanks. Every piece of 00’s tech I have still works flawlessly.
SomeRedditor_ t1_ixp164u wrote
syfysoldier t1_ixp1udn wrote
Did it help you be a businessman?
yvonneb28 t1_ixp1urf wrote
Mine is off 10 minutes too! Out of curiosity, do you remember if yours was slow or fast? Mine was fast, I was early to so much shit before I figured it out
yvonneb28 t1_ixp1zew wrote
Mine does this as well, is yours slow or fast? Mine is fast, which is at least better than being slow
loganwachter t1_ixp24pv wrote
It varies. DST it’s slow. When it’s not DST its fast. Always by the same amount of time.
Alley-Omalley t1_ixp2qq9 wrote
Had the same one in college. Don't know what happened to it
NamityName t1_ixp3pt1 wrote
So it uses the speaker to create sound waves that emulate electromagnetic waves..... I am a bit doubtful
Edit: i ran the app for an atomic watch that i cannot sync where I am, and it worked.
yertle38 t1_ixp4b1j wrote
Oh that’s neat. I wonder if you can sabotage public clocks with that 😀
3x35r22m4u t1_ixp4d4s wrote
How's the coverage of WWVB these days with so many switching power supplies? Do these clock work well say from Maine to Florida to Hawaii?
We've tuned the 60KHz signal here in Brazil at night, but we had to use an 300 meter antenna in a rural location (:
yertle38 t1_ixp4dzt wrote
That’s odd since GPS relies on very accurate timing. But maybe it doesn’t know DST, I’d assume it only really needs a universal time that isn’t jittering.
AgentOrange96 t1_ixp4ut6 wrote
I always use myself
ithinkyouretractors t1_ixp5gud wrote
I love this clock
VapeMySemen OP t1_ixp5o5z wrote
I got the meat, but no potatoes
Riskyrisk123 t1_ixp614a wrote
Let us know if it changes next year. The true test
tommypatties t1_ixp62l5 wrote
ty for saying saving and not savings.
average_AZN t1_ixp6dvx wrote
I'm an electrical engineer and i can't believe this works.. Wild
Hank_Fuerta t1_ixp6jgd wrote
Lone Star?
RealPilot_ISwear t1_ixp6wlq wrote
Woah. Still using the same clock.
The_alchemist667 t1_ixp6x9f wrote
Man you know whats so cool is ive been learning to produce edm music and been learning a lot about how the synths work and it uses the same terminology like pulse width modulation and such but relating to soundwaves.
Kinda cool how sin wave terminology can apply to so many different things
MethMouthMagoo t1_ixp8syi wrote
The US. The shaded in part is the Pacific time zone.
Or, that's my best guess.
[deleted] t1_ixp9cla wrote
LeoLaDawg t1_ixpa4t4 wrote
You just blew OP's mind.
zkiller195 t1_ixpb4gb wrote
Why would it say PM at the top and then P below it? Pretty sure the P is for Pacific (the time zone that's shown on the map)
Legato895 t1_ixpbdu5 wrote
Conscious_Beyond_280 t1_ixpcbip wrote
You can say it lives up to its name
skyecolin22 t1_ixpd51l wrote
This is the most detailed government webpage I've ever seen, and I appreciate that even as someone who doesn't understand radio signals all that well
noroadsleft t1_ixpdxyy wrote
Seems to be an earlier version of this clock:
The clock in the OP seems to be a Model 13131A2, which has its manual linked on the Manuals tab ("Legacy Product 13131A2").
mr_john_steed t1_ixpfmlk wrote
I tried it and just heard a voice whispering "SEVEN DAYS". Is that bad....?
jonoff t1_ixpfx5n wrote
It's not the sound waves nor speaker that matters here, but what powers the diaphragm of that speaker. The speaker's very small electric coil puts out EM waves at a harmonic frequency the device picks up. Pretty neat trick.
Building just a wire loop greatly improves the signal without any audio.
tmart42 t1_ixpg8gm wrote
Wait until you hear…that modern speakers can transmit in more than just the mechanical wave spectrum…
turbocomppro t1_ixpk0f7 wrote
If it’s like a decade old, possible it’s just a simple capacitor. They tend to bulge and/or leak when they go bad so easy to spot. They are cheap and pretty simple to replace with a cheap $10 soldering iron.
A lot of TVs have this problem as well. Pretty much the whole TV is still good. Just a $1 capacitor on the power supply board blew.
politepauly t1_ixplbbw wrote
I LOVE THIS. Buyitforlife for sure. I get so pissed off at apple and ms and tesla etc.
ARoyaleWithCheese t1_ixplk4m wrote
This 100% reads like one of those "charge your phone in the microwave" pranks. Of course it's not, but it does come across just as ridiculous if you don't understand the science behind it. Suddenly it seems not that crazy people would fall for hoaxes like that.
JPAchilles t1_ixplra0 wrote
I think you meant to reply to another comment
marvin_sirius t1_ixpnp0k wrote
Did you get a trenchcoat for you and your two brothers?
[deleted] t1_ixpobuo wrote
Gabetanker t1_ixponfl wrote
If would ever shut down for a day, the country would probably collapse
TadeusTaD t1_ixpov5p wrote
Now that's a r/unexpectedSpaceballs worthy thread
xrimane t1_ixpplyo wrote
That map is some /r/shittymapporn lol
no-steppe t1_ixppqp8 wrote
"Mom, can we get cocaine?"
'No, we already have cocaine at home.'
gonzot1978 t1_ixprxjt wrote
I have one of these, 6 years and only changed the battery’s twice
Imperial_Triumphant t1_ixpsksn wrote
Because it’s an atomic clock….
XS4Me t1_ixpt17z wrote
> wrist watches
To be fair, wrist watches are now a days more jewelry than time keeping devices.
8dogsinatrenchcoat t1_ixpv0jl wrote
Thank you!!
I have one of these clocks but it has lost the ability to receive a signal. One of those things where it's useless but you hate to throw it out in case there's a fix. And there is!
tepidbathwater t1_ixpv831 wrote
Only one man would dare give me the raspberry.
[deleted] t1_ixpwxu8 wrote
tatanka01 t1_ixpxh8o wrote
>To be fair, wrist watches are now a days more computer than time keeping devices.
Snoo75302 t1_ixpxuc3 wrote
I have a watch that connects to this. Casio wave ceptor.
ipsumdeiamoamasamat t1_ixq35ev wrote
I didn’t know this existed. We used to have a local version of it, but the telephone company ended that years ago.
[deleted] t1_ixq4eka wrote
I want to say fast, but might have been slow. It’s been a number of years.
1h8fulkat t1_ixqe0mf wrote
And yet my car designed in 2016 can't get it's shit together
jam3s2001 t1_ixqe9j3 wrote
You will find out in a week, I guess. Might be best to avoid any old wells in the meantime.
iMakeBoomBoom t1_ixqf0mq wrote
I would expect that if it is showing the right time at all, then it would of course be showing the correct daylight savings time. It’s not like it’s gonna work for everything but daylight savings. Radio-signal clocks don’t work that way.
blamemeIdidntdoit t1_ixqi0bu wrote
This must be right. I certainly didn't recognize that shape as the US. Thank you.
blamemeIdidntdoit t1_ixqi3e3 wrote
Thank you! That's one shitty map though. :)
milesbeats t1_ixqip9k wrote
Is this popcorn you are speaking of ??
You can spell out P.O.P.C.O.R.N on any handset I remember regardless of area code and you get the time
ArseholeAlexa t1_ixqjnfv wrote
I’ve never heard of the popcorn thing before. I have no idea.
milesbeats t1_ixqk3o6 wrote
I'm not even fucking with you this was a huge deal .. it was hella fun... What time is it .. then we would sneak to a phone and call popcorn ... The current time is ... Lol memories
ArseholeAlexa t1_ixqm769 wrote
Well shoot, it was shut down in 2007. That’s sad as heck.
jajajajaj t1_ixqoj4u wrote
It's funny what does and doesn't last. In 2022 "twenty years ago" isn't what it used to be, but it's also not what it used to be before that.
Lucky that the paint didn't oxidize or start some weird off gassing, the LCD didn't crack, or the wire to the power adapter didn't snap, but by 2002, we knew how to keep clocks synched. If you still use the same refrigerator over that same span of time, lucky you, but I bet the one that's been abandoned at the old house where some of my family used to live, installed in 1940-or-50-something would still run perfectly, if the electric were on, right up until it needs to be manually defrosted.
jajajajaj t1_ixqoq4r wrote
I wouldn't bet much, though, it really has been a long time since I saw it running and thought "how is this so old?"
soonapaana002 t1_ixqrb8l wrote
vff t1_ixqsfup wrote
Is it an analog or digital clock? For the analog ones, there is a synchronization procedure so it can “learn” the positions of the hands (it doesn’t know where they are; it learns them once then remembers how far it’s moved them). This needs to be repeated periodically, such as when changing batteries.
nickdotcooper t1_ixqtt8v wrote
My 85 year old mother had the same clock. No idea how long she’s had it, but it seems forever.
MDCRP t1_ixqu8de wrote
Or it got the reddit hug
BLomniscientreader t1_ixqy9we wrote
God this reminds me...
My father has a clock that he got from italy. I ve spent hours at some point researching why it was always one hour behind, even if you set it right. Well, it had a signal strength indicator which I finally found out it connected to the radio signal and always sync-ed with italian local time... just disabled it lol
FilteringOutSubs t1_ixqyvsq wrote
No where in the picture do I see that. I googled the clock brand and looked at the model pictures for a minute, then I looked at that model's information/instructions.
Also again, there are not that many time signals in the US; if there is a clock updating from a radio signal in the US, it's probably the WWV.
And to be thorough, I say US because the clock shows a continental US outline.
Fusseldieb t1_ixqyy14 wrote
It's very Acurite!
PhilipMewnan t1_ixr06w6 wrote
I live pretty close to those, they’re really beautiful at night blinking red on the horizon
mr_john_steed t1_ixr15vu wrote
But I do all my best meditating in there!!
ExcitingGold t1_ixr29ya wrote
i remember when "atomic" clocks were popular
Bikouchu t1_ixr3e9m wrote
It has its own y2k bug cause they cheaped out on software it happened this year. With 200x-2011 navigation. It would otherwise know dst and date, but know is stuck without dst or correct date. However they fixed it enough where is off only by the hour.
supernovababoon t1_ixr55kq wrote
Do you even grammar?
WinterAyars t1_ixr79r8 wrote
Okay that's actually sick.
WinterAyars t1_ixr7eb8 wrote
We used to build things to work.
yvonneb28 t1_ixr7uda wrote
It’s digital, it’s only a few years old too, 5 at the most. It’s one of those ones with multiple functions, but everything else seems to work fine.
Qualified-Monkey t1_ixr97de wrote
I’ve got one just like it, used to be my grandma’s
noroadsleft t1_ixrb5jl wrote
The manual for the clock is here:
This is at the top of Page 2 of the Manual:
50MillionNostalgia t1_ixrf8ae wrote
This is such a mind trip. I watched a recommended YouTube video at like 2 am last night about NIST. It was the first time I’ve ever heard of it and had no idea it existed. Was interesting af and now I open reddit today and the first thread has this as the top comment. Insane….feels like The Truman Show
easyj86 t1_ixrgn64 wrote
I think POPCORN stopped being a thing like 15 years ago.
Edit: lucky guess. It shut down 2007
graveybrains t1_ixrhtlq wrote
And, in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
dotknott t1_ixrhuo6 wrote
I think this might be an iOS version
balencibabi t1_ixrj3uy wrote
Nice name
BitsAndBobs304 t1_ixrjz2d wrote
there's a classic Terence Hill & Bud Spencer movie where the villain has a bomb that will... delete all numbers. like, the existence of numbers. to which they reply things like "it'll be impossible to figure out what's happening during a football game!" "it'll be impossible to order pizza delivery!" .
now I'm picturing a hacker deciding to destroy the world by... messing with the satellite radios that sync people's alarm clocks, on the day of the daylight savings change.
awarmguinness t1_ixroz7p wrote
There was a number like that growing up, I could dial WEATHER for the weather and 777-4647 for the time, it would say "Calling long distance? Make a list of what you want to talk about, you'll save more in less time. The time is..." Still remember that shit....
loganwachter t1_ixrphfv wrote
That would’ve been a locally controlled device in a phone central office near you. Ours was 774-9998 and the one at my grandparents house was 764-0105 I think. Both had different advertisement messages but the timekeepers voice was identical.
Ninja_In_Shaddows t1_ixrquw6 wrote
why bare the day and month the wrong way round?
EarlPeck t1_ixrru5d wrote
That’s NIST for you check out their e-commerce store.
FrenchBread147 t1_ixrs6dl wrote
How do you sleep when it's 79F in your bedroom?
phonendatoilet t1_ixrt5tu wrote
OP speaks the truth! Mine lasted 13 years and only broke because of movers.
pinkpiggies13 t1_ixrwnyq wrote
I have a travel alarm clock that’s older than me (I’m 27) and it does the same thing!
th3cardman t1_ixs04pi wrote
I also have had this exact clock for over a decade. Highly recommend!
BitsAndBobs304 t1_ixs0bhv wrote
okay, nothing to do with this, but now you have to check this out.
sync your smart data watch WITH YOUR SCREEN
Ok-Gur-6602 t1_ixs43ks wrote
NIST is pretty cool in general.
BrokenStereoField t1_ixs84xv wrote
I have that same company’s travel clock. It’s like 20 years old with just battery swaps and had never failed.
goetheschiller t1_ixs86r3 wrote
Interesting! I wonder if the “at the tone” takes into account the inherent delay in the signal.
JBBanshee t1_ixs8eci wrote
Time will tell.
Liquidretro t1_ixs94dg wrote
Thanks for the explanation, I have always wondered how this works exactly
vff t1_ixsfcly wrote
How very odd! Perhaps at some point it traveled 10 minutes in a time machine, and now shows a permanent, residual temporal displacement. 😉
yvonneb28 t1_ixsmxlm wrote
Gosh darn it! Why didn’t I think of that? It’s so obvious now
freshme4t t1_ixt9y9u wrote
Before smartphones you could text keywords like 'weather + zipcode' to the phone number 46635 (GOOGL) and it would text you back with the weather report. There were all sorts of different SMS services of which I can only remember weather.
VapeMySemen OP t1_ixtn9d4 wrote
Yeah that can't be right haha, I keep it 72F in here. Might be getting the temp from the radio towers nearby?
awarmguinness t1_ixtpsjp wrote
I can hear her now
LeamNoran t1_ixtrbku wrote
I live near the antennas normally. I went to the southern east coast of America and my WWVB watch was able to sync from them daily without incident fwiw.
hoopleheadroom t1_ixwaymz wrote
We have this clock! It’s been passed down from my grandparents to my mom to me and is now in our son’s room. 4 generations of use (so far!).
yertle38 t1_ixo4huf wrote
The signal strength in the upper right shows you have reception to the radio signal that broadcasts the current time.