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Dfantoman t1_iz43uqi wrote

Those Delonghis are the bomb


Taste-TheRambo t1_iz3me5f wrote

322 cups a day at 10 years


ikidd OP t1_iz3nyac wrote

I think your math might be out. Between two machines, they've made 68000+ shots. A cup is two shots, so 34000 cups/365 days * 12 years (ish). So almost 8 cups a day between 2 people.

I'm not denying there might be an addiction issue here, but it's not quite that bad. What I find funny is that that's over 11 tons of coffee that's come out of these two machines.


Tropez2020 t1_iz3uxaz wrote

Impressive! Does that number include blank/blind shots?


ikidd OP t1_iz4rclw wrote

I'm not sure what those are. It's usually smart enough to know when it's out of beans and just tells you to fill up before it'll run a cup.


Tropez2020 t1_iz4xz3f wrote

A blank or blind shot is when you intentionally pass a shot through without coffee to warm up or rinse the portafilter and group head. I was just trying to do some rough math on my machine (a Breville) to compare.


ikidd OP t1_iz4yobl wrote

Ah, it does that when you turn it on, pretty sure it wouldn't be counted. If I have any complaint about the machine, it would be that the first shots are coolish.


accountass t1_ize6qbv wrote

I have the same machine, after 13 yrs I decided to upgrade only because I wanted a new machine. I went out and bought another Delonghi fully automatic with the milk frothier. Spent $2,000. 5 months in it had issues; in the end I had to return it. Now I’m without a coffee machine. Sad


SnooPredictions6507 t1_j06zq9y wrote

I have the same machine! How are you able to show the number of shots on the screen?


ikidd OP t1_j06ztrz wrote

Press Menu and Change as you plug it in.


imakesawdust t1_iz5q1th wrote

That's a lot of money spent on caffeine...