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harbinjer t1_j18un1s wrote

Looking at your other comments, a telescope could definitely be something that gathers dust. The trick is to find one that's easy enough to use so that you'll use it, but also powerful enough to keep you interested. You might want to look at finding a local astronomy club first. That is a fantastic way to start, and mentor can really jump start your knowledge, and increase the excitement around it. Two telescope designs come to mind: the classic 8" Dobsonian, or a 4" Apo refractor. Neither are too bothersome for most people, and both powerful enough for many years of observing. The biggest point you need to know: nebulae and galaxies will NOT look like they do in pictures. The book "Turn Left at Orion" had great illustrations of what you'll see. Planets and the moon are a bit closer to pictures, and can be very exciting, but there 1000s of other things to see in the night sky, especially from dark sky sites.