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SeaWeedSkis t1_j02ypg6 wrote

Something you might consider: A game cart. They're designed to make it easy to move a lot of weight in non-ideal terrain.

I have this one and love how easy it is to maneuver: Kill Shot 300 lb. Capacity Folding Game Cart

Open box currently available for $82.99, new is $126 after 10% discount for giving them your email.

You'd need to have some kind of container you can strap to the cart, but I'm guessing you already have laundry baskets or bags you could use. Not quite as convenient in some respects, but also more flexible in ways it can be used since odd-sized and oversized items can be strapped to the cart.

EDIT: Primary downside is the surface won't be flat, so items not strapped down or packed tightly will shift/roll.