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hobokobo1028 t1_j1g0ele wrote

Go to a thrift shop and buy some cast iron. Scrub the shit out of it and YouTube how to season it properly. It’ll last 400 years.


ElderScarletBlossom t1_j1g2pwn wrote

What if you have grip problems and can't lift or handle cast iron without injuring yourself? Yeah it's amazing stuff, but it's also heavy af.


rgypsy t1_j1g4ct4 wrote

I went through a cast iron phase and rarely pull them out because they are just too heavy to handle.


papachro t1_j1gf3yg wrote

That’s why we never put ours away. If we put it up it’d be too heavy to get down so we just always keep it out and that way we always use it.


NoWayNotThisAgain t1_j1k12xf wrote

Carbon steel. Seasoned properly it’s non-stick like cast iron, but it’s lighter.


hobokobo1028 t1_j1hutna wrote

Fair. I leave mine on the stove so they don’t move much other than to the sink and back


Handball_fan t1_j1g74sw wrote

I find this hard to fathom as I watched my 90 year old grandmother use cast iron !

What exactly are you doing with it that makes it hard to handle ?


papachro t1_j1gfs59 wrote

Depends on what cast iron she’s using. A modern lodge 10” will weigh a bit over 5lbs while an old Griswold will be between 3.8-4lbs.


Handball_fan t1_j1gllni wrote

Nether of those brands were sold in Australia in the early 1900 when she would have ether bought them or given them as a wedding gift.

Regardless she lifted the big old Dutch oven on and off the AGA wood stove with ease. Still doesn’t explain why they need to do so much lifting with a pan , when l use mine I put it on the trivet and cook , doesn’t move till I wash it .