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_annie_bird t1_j68xwdo wrote

What is best for you depends on you. How do you sleep? What position? You mentioned in another comment fluffing it to put behind your back to watch TV; tbh, the right pillow for that is likely not going to also be the right pillow to sleep on. Plus, doing that will deform the pillow and might make it not as effective for sleep, as well as make it wear out (and get dirty!) faster. So I highly suggest getting a cheaper pillow for lounging and TV watching, and get a nice pillow for sleeping that only ever touches your face and head.


Awesomest_Possumest t1_j69fp92 wrote

I have a super memory pillow I got cause I thought I would like it. Turns out it's way too high for me to sleep on my stomach. So I have a super flat pillow and then use the memory one for my back at night. Just keep two stacked on the bed. And if I wake up and need to side sleep, I can just yank that pillow up and swap at night.

I'm sure there's no one pillow that's great for multiple sleeping positions, because I roll around in my sleep (sometimes becoming a literal burrito in the sheets), and having a couple different pillows has helped so I can grab whichever one Im feeling the most that night.


CDN_a t1_j6adyx1 wrote

That's a good point, thank you.