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lasdue t1_j2ybzrd wrote

You’ve gone through some 30k of little pieces of pointless aluminum that go straight to the landfill with your Nespresso machine


Sweet_Guard3904 t1_j2yi8m6 wrote

They provide free recycling via UPS in the US at least.


lasdue t1_j2yl6xq wrote

Right but do people actually use it?


bad-monkey t1_j2yrkrw wrote

at this point, i'm gutting my nespresso pods for the spent coffee to feed my compost pile, but I never actually see the supposed bag I can use to recycle the pods and instead just put the aluminum in my recyclable bin.


Sweet_Guard3904 t1_j2yr9bg wrote

Indeed I don't think enough people use it or take advantage of it. The generic capsules from Lavazza or trader Joe's aren't recyclable either. They are still better than K-cups and at the end of the day we can only do what we can.


lasdue t1_j2yxkps wrote

> at the end of the day we can only do what we can

That’s kind of a weird thing to say when the option is to make coffee with something that doesn’t use a plastic or an aluminum capsule?


Sweet_Guard3904 t1_j2yzbti wrote

Well, today was a good example. I normally Chemex but was running late so I just used the Nespresso for my fix. I consider myself a responsible drinker and compost and all that but circumstances made it difficult. All our choices involve environmental and sustainability compromises, and my comment is more about individuals doing what we can amidst these choices. So among instant coffee a Nespresso is worse than grinding, and the machine entails a lot of waste, but arguably they do last long, and the company gives you an option to recycle. I have seen way too many Keurigs abandoned or thrifted to know those are way worse.


lasdue t1_j2z0sfj wrote

> All our choices involve environmental and sustainability compromises, and my comment is more about individuals doing what we can amidst these choices.

This just feels strange to me when you’re using a product that creates needless non-compostable waste and is from Nestle out of all companies.

You talk about environmental and sustainability choices and then decide that your compromise is to go with one of the worst companies in those regards?


[deleted] t1_j30csiw wrote



lasdue t1_j30wf5r wrote

> You started talking about how 30k “pieces of pointless aluminum” and my Nespresso machine go straight to the landfill, when pointed out that I do recycle and or compost you switch to the evil Nestlé company.

Most people just toss the capsules and Nestle is bad. Even if you recycle them who knows of Nestle actually recycles them all since it’s quite a bit of work additional to remove the liner from the capsule.

> I suppose you must grow your own coffee beans for your daily consumption while we are beneath you.

I buy my coffee from a local roaster who sources their beans directly from coffee farmers. That’s a much better deal for everyone involved, the coffee quality is leagues better than some capsule stuff, I know where the coffee comes from, and the farmer gets paid more because there are no middle men. It’s not even expensive compared to capsules since they’re very expensive given the small coffee content.

Surely you see how doing this is a better option than supporting a known bad company or using capsules? The only “downside” is that I can’t just press a button to make coffee in the morning to save a minute or two.


amoryamory t1_j2yvr0u wrote

No, by their own stats only 1/4 of them are ever recycled


[deleted] t1_j2yuka8 wrote



lasdue t1_j2yxb4o wrote

> it was my way to stay awake

If you drink coffee just for the caffeine wouldn’t caffeine pills be cheaper?

> How about you?

I mostly use a V60, the only thing to discard is the paper filter and the used coffee grounds. For espresso I’ve got a La Pavoni from some decades ago, they still have spare parts and whatever widely available.

Capsules are pointless and Nestle is an awful company to begin with.


[deleted] t1_j2yz4vn wrote



lamentheragony t1_j31odtk wrote

it sounds like you are an overworked doctor or intern in a hospital. instead of causing such great environmental damage, have you considered perhaps your narcolepsy is perhaps because you are just too tired? no amount of coffee can save you. perhaps you are not meant for this type of career. take a break, find a new worthwhile career where you are not causing such damage to the environment. if you are narcoleptic, have you considered what other kinds of damage you are doing, of which you are not aware? Maybe it is time you came back into touch with the real world around you.