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yParticle t1_j64t6ry wrote

Damn, that's looking to take the mantle from the classic Eames chair.


SharpLead t1_j652p8d wrote

I’d LOVE one of their office chairs. The London high back 😮‍💨


Gerbski OP t1_j65434r wrote

This was ~$3200. Ordered late November, arrived late January. Definitely some used available out there on fb for cheaper but color or style isn’t always ideal, they last for decades though.


Sometimes_Stutters t1_j654yle wrote

Kinda related story;

My grandpa passed about 5 years ago. Avid deer hunter, but he didn’t hunt his last 10 years. His deer stand sat abandoned the whole time and slowly rotted. Finally about 2 years ago the wind knocked it over. I discovered this a few months after it happened and was picking through the mess. I found the mangled remnants of an authentic Herman Miller lounge chair from the 1960’s. I mentioned it to my dad and showed him a picture of what the chair was supposed to look like. He said that chair was in there house as a kid, got moved to his shop in the 80’s, and finally ended up in his deer stand.

Looking around quick online this chair are worth up to $10k+. I couldn’t believe it.


msb45 t1_j65dp0b wrote

I’ve been waiting on my stressless couch since July of last year, now hearing it’s gonna be until March April probably. So annoyed.
That chair looks incredible. They’re so comfortable.


kerry-w t1_j65efac wrote

Those are so nice. Congratulations!


Mabymaster t1_j65gry2 wrote

I mean it looks good, but how do you know it lasts for life (related to this sub) if it's brand new?


bradatlarge t1_j65i2jx wrote

I'm in the market for one right now. I've been shopping for almost a year. $4000 chair is bending my brain but, my back & neck are kinda insisting.


CupIsHalfEmpty2 t1_j65j232 wrote

Hey, so I bought a used ekornes stressless chair. Got it home and realized the seat springs were broken. It turns out the seat springs are molded into the seat foam and not replaceable...

Fortunately I found an aftermarket kit and was able carefully cut the foam from the bottom and extract the broken springs. Hooked up the new springs and carefully put everything back together.

Not exactly the best BIFL experience. Glad I got a great deal on the chair but would have preferred if the spring would have been a standard replacement.


Busy_B_Being_Me t1_j65jm1q wrote

This is a recreated Charles Eames chair. How could chairs not be, Eames was the single most important architect and designer for our standard comfort and beautiful chair design.


eggdropk t1_j65kj9m wrote

I’m 5’8” 220, aka short and fat :) so I’m not sure about someone taller. The headrest on my model (Admiral) is height adjustable though. Of course, only he would know for sure if it works.

They’re super expensive so definitely need to be sure if you’re going to commit (unless you’re lucky and get it free like I did).

ETA: These apparently come in different sizes, so hopefully you can find the correct one that way.


paragon6969 t1_j65kntk wrote

From Norway, I can vouch for this 👍🏻


BrokeDownPalac3 t1_j65lbnl wrote

Ekornes is a Norwegian company but these chairs are manufactured in Vietnam. Still not cheap though lol


Gerbski OP t1_j65lt8q wrote

I had looked for over a year for a used one with black leather in a style and base that I liked. I’m not a fan of the standard wood ring bases and figured if I still wanted one after over a year that I wouldn’t regret the purchase.


Taegur2 t1_j65n46n wrote

I was wandering around an antiques store in Tampa FL many years ago and they were rearranging to put one of these in the front. Price tag $400, Condition nearly perfect. I had to crawl underneath to make sure it was a real one. Saw the label, paid, and carried it home. Best purchase that trip!


breddy t1_j65npmk wrote

Cat piss will cut the life of a Stressless down substantially. Ask me how I know...

Either way, huge fan of these. I have a 90's one in my house that I got from my dad who passed away and they don't make slim ones like this one anymore. I have one being delivered early next week from an eBay seller that's going to replace it since the one I have is pretty well worn. Will probably move it to another room.


bradatlarge t1_j65oi6i wrote

I'm 90% on a large Royal in black leather with the Signature base (kinda combo of the metal star & wood ring) that I found in stock at a dealer & can have in two weeks time

I don't like the "OG" ring bases at all, I'm less hostile toward the signature base but, my preference would be chrome star base on a black leather royal.


Sunder92 t1_j65pcp5 wrote

Do you know if the cushions are replaceable? And if so where can I buy new ones?

Mines starting to flatten out, but the leather is still in great condition.


Fun4-5One t1_j65vrha wrote

That looks like un compact recliner


paleolithicmegafauna t1_j65xx8q wrote

I love the Ekornes recliners, but be aware - peoples’ heads have quite a combo of oils and acids in their hair, even clean hair. Without regular cleaning and conditioning of the leather - say, annually - the leather will eventually break down and you will have a raggedy-ass hole in your gorgeous chair.

Source: personal experience.


vertexherder t1_j65yc05 wrote

Picked up a matched pair of these last fall for $150. One was in very rough shape due to a run-in with a cat, but the other just needs a bit of attention to the leather.


Gerbski OP t1_j661e3q wrote

The Stressless is more comfortable definitely, it reclines as well and just pulls you in. The eames chair is my pick for style but the wife likes the stressless for that category as well, she likes the leather back because “we have enough wood furniture already.” Nothing as timeless as a Herman Miller eames chair imo, stressless comfort is just unrivaled though.


CommonCut4 t1_j661j97 wrote

I have that chair with the signature base. I ruptured a couple discs in my back and couldn’t sit anywhere comfortably until I got it so worth every penny to me. Also still looks new after five years in a house with kids and dogs.


s6x t1_j6648r0 wrote

How does this stack up to the Eames?


s6x t1_j664e7q wrote

I know they vary their grades but I remember visiting a stressless store about 15 years ago and the leather on one couch was about the most incredible thing imaginable. Absolute butter. Hideous couch though.


iamheero t1_j668atk wrote

We had one, but be mindful to wash it regularly (wipe down with a leather cleaner, super easy) if you want it to last a long time. Apparently the oils from your hair can really wear down the leather headrest.


ta11 t1_j668unw wrote

Love my stressless


TemoSahn t1_j668xty wrote

That's a sexy light switch panel. It's the details! Where did you get it from?


cristoth1119 t1_j66ao25 wrote

I've always seen this chairs as the symbol of success


Real_TRex_007 t1_j66dmnp wrote

Are there any options between an IKEA and an Ekornes? For real people with real budgets?!?!


dan_t_mann t1_j66dnjl wrote

This is where business deals get temporarily forgotten about.


AbsurdistWordist t1_j66f89m wrote

I want to see the rest of that living room now. I love the whole look.


Gerbski OP t1_j66g93c wrote

I appreciate the comment, my wife is the designer. I’ve posted some other furniture pieces on the mid century subreddit before with views of other rooms. The living room is getting there, the side table beside this chair is temporary.


Lee1138 t1_j66hvc1 wrote

Has Chinese owners these days (since 2018) Still has the same production facilities as they had before (as far as I could tell), with the new owner saying at the time, they "didn't have plans to change anything". But you know the value of words like that, so I would be wary of quality of quality drops in future production and do your research before buying.


ajpathecreature t1_j66i40x wrote

$7k + right there… it will last you a lifetime tho that’s for sure


ShawnParr t1_j66k5ji wrote

I’m 6’ almost exactly and am about 280 right now. I have a Stressless Wing and it is great for me. If you can try having him sit in some in a store if you can find one, as the different models do all feel a bit different.


ShawnParr t1_j66le0n wrote

I bought my Stressless after seeing one at a party. Found the owner and it was 28 years old, and outside of the leather having patina from use looked like it could have been bought recently. I sat in it and the springs and cushion were all in great shape.


banana14789 t1_j66lve6 wrote

Wooaaaahhhh!!! I love stressless. I just started working at raymour and the stressless rep came in to show us how to sell the sapphire and their products. His passion for the product convinced me this will be a good purchase. The quality is really good!


bigdaddyborg t1_j66n5on wrote

Found a Stressless in a charity shop for $150!! We weren't in the market for one... but pretty much had to buy it for that price!

Pretty sure the old ladies at the store had no idea what they were selling... it was priced cheaper than some brand new shitty quality recliners next to it.


Histrix t1_j66orpx wrote

I had one for about thirty years and on mine the leather on the armrests started deteriorating. Wasn’t able to buy replacement armrests.

To be fair I never used leather conditioner on them and I’m pretty sure that would have helped protect the leather from many years of lotion covered arms.

That said, they are the most comfortable chairs I’ve ever sat in and would buy another.


iamheero t1_j66vs4v wrote

We had ours re-upholstered by a local specialist, it was cool to be able to choose the leather etc but keep dad's favorite chair. Cost as much as a used chair to do, but worth it.


ExcuseResponsible483 t1_j66vut9 wrote

A number of yachts (e.g. Kadey-Krogen) include Stressless chairs as a default.


trabulium t1_j672ml7 wrote

As a prior owner of a whole Ekornes steals lounge suite including two of these chairs and a footstool, this is the kind of product that really belongs here. Super expensive stuff but it's absolutely the most comfortable chair or lounge I've been on and they last forever. Very high quality and of course, you can buy them still unlike most stuff people post here


zyxwvu44 t1_j67716v wrote

We may have the same floors, and wall color, and couch. You got me on the chair though!


rotarypower101 t1_j67cjcb wrote

Are there any decent analogs of this chair that are...more reasonably priced...?

Would like to get one with a roller base as they offer with this model.

Never even sat in one, but searching many months ago, something about this chair said this is the one!

Anyone into chairs and could recommend similar alternatives with height adjustments, and recline functionality?


W3SL33 t1_j67fttz wrote

I've got one for you. Brought my daughter to daycare. Noticed the outside door of their shed attic blown out by wind and inside I saw a glimpse of Eames fiberglass chairs.

I made a remark that those are quite expensive chairs to be standing in the attic. They took them down and appeared to be 1955 originals in nearly pristine condition. They've found these chairs years ago when someone clearing a house put them out for trash. They had 10 of them. I got a bottle of Champagne to thank me after they sold them to a collector.


saturnzebra t1_j67g1bc wrote

Yes, known to the subreddit…for being a used product that has stood the test of time. This post is clearly a brag attempt. The American dollar is also known to the subreddit, but we don’t post our paychecks. This subreddit is not to share what you just got, it’s to share what you haven’t needed to replace.


patrickfatrick t1_j67hfw4 wrote

Just want to say that IKEA does make some pretty nice stuff too (although utilitarian in the sense that the end consumer can pack it away in any car and assemble it themselves, which necessarily means exposed bolts etc). It's not all mega-cheap there.


patrickfatrick t1_j67hrk6 wrote

I have a vintage one (back when they had chrome steel bases) that I love, kinda burnt orange color. I'm sure it's not as comfy as newer ones and I had to re-tuft a few buttons over the years but I can't imagine ever getting rid of it.

edit: looks just like this


Thlom t1_j67kgm3 wrote

This is the Opal line? We get those for around $1500 in Norway.

I live across the fjord from Sykkylven where Ekornes is based and let me tell you, no one in Sykkylven knows the real price of furnitures. Traditionally Sykkylven has been a furniture power house with several furniture makers. I think theres around 5 left now, Ekornes the biggest among them. Aaanyway, everyone either works with furniture or knows someone that works with furniture, so everyone gets employee prices on furniture. Every house has top notch sofas, recliners, beds, tables and so on.


PAXICHEN t1_j67o19e wrote

We have a Stressless couch and it’s wonderful. Was a floor model and we got it for like 60% off. Floor model during Covid Lockdown here in Germany. So…basically it was new. I also got them to throw in a David Bowie throw pillow.


_SGP_ t1_j67tz49 wrote

Is it the most comfortable chair you've sat on?


Random_Name_Whoa t1_j67wfp2 wrote

Any advantages over Eames? Looks like this one is less expensive and effectively the same style, but if I was spending thousands of dollars on a chair I’d splurge for Eames


Vultureinvelvet t1_j681nfb wrote

I have one of the wings in a brown leather. Heafty price tag but the only chair in my house that doesn’t give me back pain. Love it. Need to condition it .


29minutebreak t1_j688h57 wrote

psst… You know that China bought them out a few years ago. Good luck getting the original now.



dolphinwaxer t1_j688rct wrote

I ordered mine last week. 5-6mo lead time. Excited.


Norwayseacat t1_j68b25o wrote

Hmm did not know. Thes wher popular outside of Norway.


lwhite1 t1_j68et4x wrote

I have 2 cats. I'm afraid of getting an eKornes because cats have to go byebyes if they scratch it


Amukka t1_j68gkx9 wrote

Similar story, my wife buys antiques and I was picking up a mcm dresser from a house that was getting flipped. They had the dresser in the garage and it was surrounded by plastic chairs. I found the markings on them and they were original Sam Avedon molded plastic chairs. 20 orange and 20 olive green. I asked what they were doing with all the chairs and they said they wanted to get rid of them because they weren't stackable and took up so much space. I offer them $100 for all the chairs and they glad accepted.


CupIsHalfEmpty2 t1_j68i4vf wrote

The chair seat felt low when I bought it but I just thought that was the style of this model.

After a couple days I started to think something was up. I can't remember exactly how many but the seat has either four or five springs. I was able to push down on the seat and could feel the center springs push down a lot further and not spring back compared to the springs at the front or the back of the seat.

When I flipped over the chair, you can unzip the fabric. I could see a split on the foam where the spring was broken and the foam over stretched.


hjohns23 t1_j68jm2v wrote

Gorgeous shape of that chair, I always find it hard to imagine how to aesthetically fit those chairs into a room.


brandonmowat t1_j68meeh wrote

no matter how nice this chair is, all i see is an Eames Lounger.


aelios t1_j68v6tw wrote

Looks like $1k currently, with no black, only a couple colors. I know it's significantly cheaper, but I'm curious how it compares. It looks like whoever designed it was only given a brief written description of what they were trying to duplicate.


eayaz t1_j68vqt1 wrote

Nice - stress less chairs are my favorite


jhonnydont t1_j68w6so wrote

I have recovered a bunch of these. They use a bonded leather that breaks down over time. Proper care and regular cleaning will help it last longer.


msdlp t1_j68wm2r wrote

Needs 5 'feet' on the chair instead of 4 for stability and weight distribution. Withoout rollers it is no good for a desk chair. Sorry to be so picky but I have just went through searching for and purchasing a used computer chair as my old $12 chair broke and it cost me $12.01 for the replacement. lol


Gerbski OP t1_j68yzcv wrote

This wasn’t bought for desk use, they do make desk bases with rollers though. This is a 4th comfortable seat option for our small living room next to the couch.


Gerbski OP t1_j690mw8 wrote

We are very thrifty and i search all the resale options often (fb, eBay, peddlers malls, less so Craigslist nowadays) for good deals. I refinish a lot of older pieces that need it so I don’t mind if it’s beat up when I buy it, Drexel is my favorite MCM brand. This chair was definitely a luxury purchase we saved for and thought about for awhile, as most expensive BIFL products can be, but we knew we wouldn’t find one exactly like it in the wild.


MAJORMETAL84 t1_j693reo wrote

Man, you could command the starship Enterprise with that chair! hahahaha


carrbarre t1_j695hed wrote

Based on this photo I think I love your interior design! Any chance you'd show any more of the inside of your home?


lzwzli t1_j6968wi wrote

Tell me you're rich without telling me you're rich


bradatlarge t1_j698sn4 wrote

of course it comes with the usual grain of salt but, eBay versions of these that date back into the 80’s / 90’s and still looking pretty good tell me its not as much bullshit as one might think


CatDadMilhouse t1_j69nae8 wrote

As much as I love their chairs, I'll never spend more than about $100 on one as long as I have a cat.

Which means I'll probably never own one.


morten1389 t1_j6cm4jo wrote

I tried a bunch of Stresslesses including Opal before christmas, it's a really good chair, as long as you take care of them, they will last you a very long time.

Opal, with Paloma leather, and cross base, with ottoman wound run you around $2400 here in Norway, at MSRP, but 20-25% discounts aren't unheard of, so you could get them down towards $1800-1920 then.

I ordered a Wing with Clover blue fabric (not a huge fan of leather, and I don't have pets) and the signature base, got it for around $1650 with 25% discount, estimated delivery in week 7, so I'm excited to get it soon!