ZionBane t1_j3rinn3 wrote
Reply to comment by Love_Never_Shuns in When did this sub go from advice and talks of quality to survivors bias posts? Is there a sub that better matches how this was years ago? by xSympl
eh.. not going to lie, but, that does not work, until you wear them and put them to use so seeing old, used, stuff, should be what we expect here.
The goal of course should be, the best products are still made. Always a pity when you see a good quality product that no longer gets made.
But at the end of the day, if you are going tell me something is going to last, I should rightfully expect you to have one that lasted. I think that should be, a benchmark at least.
Just to use an example, I've bought a pair of $150 Caterpillar Boots that only lasted as long as my $50 Brahma's I normally buy from Walmart. Overall, the Caterpillar was a slightly better boot, a bit more comfortable and felt tougher, but they simply did not last.
Legit, I have burned through dozens of Brahma boots, I know about how long they will last me, and, harsh truth is, most other boots, don't outlast them under the same working conditions.
So I would be tossing money at a product that really will not give me a better ROI. Now I am not about to go run around here pissing all over them, or praising Brahma, they are boots, they last about as long as I expect my boots to last, so, nothing amazing, but nothing that bad either. I would not put either of them up as BIFL, but at the same time, they do their job, and do it well enough that there is no reason for me to say they won't do the job you buy them for. They are boots, and they do their job as boots.
But if you look at this site, everyone would tell you, that Redwings and Caterpillar should outlast cheaper boots, I suppose you could say, I just got a bad pair of boots from Caterpillar, which, you know, could be the be case, but doesn't that defeat the idea of it being BIFL, if I can get bad ones, and that just ends up being Survivor Bias by the people that swear by them?
So really, I like seeing or at the very least, hearing someone tell me they had something that endured, that they put them to work, and they held up, and then say "This is a good product"
I really think that should be the baseline of this site.
Again, always a pity when a good product ceases to exist, shame really when that happens.
xSympl OP t1_j3t32qi wrote
You say overly engineered and high quality shouldn't be a metric then give examples of poorly engineered low quality products. Plus, boots last a long fucking time if you take care of them. Are you rotating your pairs and taking care of the leather? You can't wear a boot several days in a row and expect it to last, just rotating through even one other pair and making sure the other pair can dry out properly after use can extend the life dramatically in many cases.
ZionBane t1_j3tow1h wrote
First Point: I have a spatula that I bought at Walmart, just a generic pressed metal blade, with a plastic handle, so damn cheap it does not even have a brand or logo on it, paid something like 5 dollars for it, bought it at a summer kick off sale, had to glue the handle back on a few times over the years, but at 5 years old, of daily use, still holds up great, gonna use it again in about half an hour to make dinner.
Second Point: As for the boots, lets get something clear, not only can I wear the same boots all week straight, I do. Now I am not about to get into a pissing contest on boots with you, you wear your boots your way, I'll wear mine, my way. Regardless of that factor, I expect if I buy a higher quality boot, they should last longer then a lower quality pair under the same situation and usage, if they do not, what's the point of saying they are better, when, they aren't for what I need.
Anyway, might add my spatula to this site, just to brag on it, might piss you off, but I think it can still be bought at Walmart, during the summer when they are putting out all the cheap grilling stuff.
chefkoolaid t1_j3y6t3q wrote
ya need to let boots rest and dry out for them to last. improperly cared for yeah, any boot will get destroyed quickly by daily wear
xSympl OP t1_j3umm0d wrote
You're pissed off I told you literal basic fucking boot care lmao. You need help and a checked ego, lol. I'm not going to keep arguing with someone who is literally mentally unwell.
ZionBane t1_j3vx0xq wrote
Nah bro. You wear your boots your way, I'll wear them mine, if you think that it being mentally unwell, you have issues.
Which might be why you also have issues with this site, I wish you well somewhere else.
xSympl OP t1_j3w1onc wrote
you're just proving my point with every reply
ZionBane t1_j3w7kmo wrote
Your Point Being: That you don't understand that, if you make the claim that something is BIFL, that you should, at the very least, have a working example of it's longevity under your care?
xSympl OP t1_j3wg2r3 wrote
Bro you think the government is using us for fucking batteries, you're just an old argumentative loser who wants to cherry pick his replies to ignore the actual information while being upset over something never said.
It's sad, and it's pathetic. You call yourself a prepper but don't know basic boot care!? You use hostile language then act like the boots are what I'm calling out to begin with!?
I take solace in the fact you clearly are either on the spectrum or schizo-afflicted. I hope you're healthy one day, but you are a scourge that doesn't deserve to exist. You're a fucking walking loot drop in an actual SHTF scenario and your unhinged mentality and attitude mean you'd just be wasted and scaved in a real scenario lmao.
You genuinely need help, but I'm positive you're on a government list. Knowing you are factually mentally unwell and not me just being a dickhead makes me genuinely sad because I wasted, and am continuing with this response TO WASTE, effort on someone who never has or will have a stable thought in their life. You make me sad, congratulations.
ZionBane t1_j3wj4tq wrote
Wow, look at that drooling, insane, all over the place personal attack, over... boot care,
You, have issues.
xSympl OP t1_j3ydn4m wrote
You regularly post to /conspiracy and /prepper. You continue to act like this is over boot care.
You're the insane one. I'm just going to block you and hope you finally get one some meds for the schizophrenia and paranoia. Maybe if SHTF I'll find you and turn you into a loot drop too<3
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