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t1_j3w7kmo wrote

Your Point Being: That you don't understand that, if you make the claim that something is BIFL, that you should, at the very least, have a working example of it's longevity under your care?


OP t1_j3wg2r3 wrote

Bro you think the government is using us for fucking batteries, you're just an old argumentative loser who wants to cherry pick his replies to ignore the actual information while being upset over something never said.

It's sad, and it's pathetic. You call yourself a prepper but don't know basic boot care!? You use hostile language then act like the boots are what I'm calling out to begin with!?

I take solace in the fact you clearly are either on the spectrum or schizo-afflicted. I hope you're healthy one day, but you are a scourge that doesn't deserve to exist. You're a fucking walking loot drop in an actual SHTF scenario and your unhinged mentality and attitude mean you'd just be wasted and scaved in a real scenario lmao.

You genuinely need help, but I'm positive you're on a government list. Knowing you are factually mentally unwell and not me just being a dickhead makes me genuinely sad because I wasted, and am continuing with this response TO WASTE, effort on someone who never has or will have a stable thought in their life. You make me sad, congratulations.


t1_j3wj4tq wrote

Wow, look at that drooling, insane, all over the place personal attack, over... boot care,

You, have issues.


OP t1_j3ydn4m wrote

You regularly post to /conspiracy and /prepper. You continue to act like this is over boot care.

You're the insane one. I'm just going to block you and hope you finally get one some meds for the schizophrenia and paranoia. Maybe if SHTF I'll find you and turn you into a loot drop too<3