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your_Assholiness t1_j9u6lim wrote

A Speed Queen


wecouldhaveitsogood OP t1_j9u7el9 wrote

I read that they tend to be pretty tough on clothes and contribute to faster wear and tear. Is that true?


CrispyBananaPeel t1_j9uxkvo wrote

Yes, the one people recommend most, the top loading TC5, has an old fashioned agitator and will accelerate wear and tear but that's the trade off for getting clothes really clean in about 35 minutes per load.


Rd28T t1_j9vt3ye wrote

Yes. Compared to a quality front loader like a Miele, they wear out the clothes very quickly.

I did a big outback road trip, and using the coin laundries in caravan parks and like (almost all speed queen), pilled, faded and thinned my clothes drastically faster than my front loader at home.

It was an outback trip too, so it was 90% cotton shirts and shorts. I wasn’t washing fine silks or delicate synthetics.

I had a couple of sets of ‘nice’ clothes for the odd dinner in a town, and those speed queens flogged the shit out of them too.

Until you have owned a quality front loader, you don’t realise how long clothes can actually last.


BackgroundNoise222 t1_j9u9reb wrote

My research suggested the same thing.

If true it is unfortunate, but that did not deter me from buying a Speed Queen.

I took an inventory of the number of "delicate" items my family washes. I found that I was concerned about a very small percentage of my clothes.

I am not concerned with the washer being rough on jeans and t-shirts.


zombienudist t1_j9uwsxe wrote

The bigger problem would be the size depending on what your needs are. Even their own page highlights this.

So if you are doing a load a week then it might not be a big deal. But a family doing lots of laundry that might become an issue. Then there is cost. Depending on where you are water costs might be very important or not at all. So you might need to make a choice based on that. There is no perfect machine only the one that will work best for you based on your needs.