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waehrik t1_j73rmbk wrote

Just an obligatory reminder: if they're wool don't put them in the dryer


weredev t1_j73v5ww wrote

I have several pair of Darn Tough that I've had for a few years now. I wash in cold and dry in low heat. No abnormal sign of wear so far.

Comparing that to Smart Wool that I've had for about as long and almost all have worn through the heel.


BallsOutKrunked t1_j73wewk wrote

I use the cloud line ones you have on the right for running in cooler weather, I like them a lot.


c792j770 t1_j73x6lz wrote

I love Paka. Softest socks I’ve ever owned


yParticle t1_j73z2t7 wrote

After wearing them all day, let us know which ones weren't a relief to take off.


Bigz11 t1_j74ceny wrote

Cloud nines are nice, got a free pair from the company on a Reddit post couple years ago.


Bigz11 t1_j74cldr wrote

Multiple pairs of darn tough and wash and dry and never had an issue either. These aren’t the cushioned ones so idk? Did get a pair of knee high hunting socks with some mild cushion. I guess I’ll see how they fair with wash and dry cycles.


pressedbread t1_j74d0ys wrote

My Darn tough always get air dried when possible. I usually miss one when separating what goes into the drier and what doesn't and I don't notice a difference.

Still they technically should last longer line drying, also save on electricity longterm doing less % dryer loads.

*BI4L Pro tip*

I also line dry all my (cotton) buttondown shirts which does make them last longer, with added benefit that line drying them they never need to be ironed


Dvaone t1_j74jc0i wrote

I didn't slowly phase mine out, I broke down and bought 14 pair of darn Tough. I had my first pair fail a couple weeks ago. I haven't even opened all of mine yet, have about 8 pair in rotation


neotyrael t1_j74mv7h wrote

They all have Lycra or other synthetics to help them hold up. I’m still hoping to find more 100% wool socks that are BIFL, I have two pair I’m hanging on to but they are not common


complywood t1_j74tlvi wrote

I've tried Darn Tough, Farm to Feet, and Cloudline. I found Farm to Feet the most comfortable, although my Cloudline order came with a nice handwritten note, and they were really nice and easy to work with when I had to return a wool base layer I bought from them (a gift, it didn't fit the recipient well).


Fantastic_Puppeter t1_j76a6qy wrote

I fear you have made a terrible mistake, tempting the sock-eating monster to devour the left sock of all pairs.

Spending a lifetime with un-assorted socks sounds like hell.


vespula_rufa t1_j77394i wrote

Maybe if you want lasting wool socks with a warranty, but I'm not very happy with the fit. Icebreaker wool socks with anatomic fit (for left and right foot) are in a completely different league and oh so comfortable that I don't mind that they don't come with a warranty. They still last a very long time if you don't wash them too often.


bigbre04 t1_j774220 wrote

I will try some icebreakers. I have never worn a "footed" sock. Honestly Darn Tough socks are really spectacular for comfort and last a long long time. I have several pairs that are over 4 years old and going strong!


vespula_rufa t1_j776bae wrote

Perhaps it depends on what you use them for. Darn Tough socks are probably amazing for wearing in work boots. I use Icebreaker for hiking, running and backcountry skiing. I have three pairs. The oldest is six years old and has been on around 50 skiing trips. Still going strong.


TWG88 t1_j77c3iz wrote

Grip6 makes socks too?!?

Fucking love their belts!


GooseG00s3 t1_j8jgs94 wrote

Please let me know how they go! I’m desperately trying to find durable socks for my husband. He burns through socks like they’re made of tissue paper! We even tried Darn Tough and they got holes after 2 months. T_T

We bought six pairs, and we’ve already had to replace 4 pairs.


Walton1993 OP t1_j8jhtgb wrote

I really impressed with the Cloudline socks! Their warranty seems to be the best also! I would totally give them a try. I work in a refinery so I’m in steal toe boots for 12 a day and they still feel comfortable at the end of the day. Check them out this will give you 25% off.


Walton1993 OP t1_j8jjt1i wrote

Also if you do decide to try Cloudline get the thickest ones which is the medium cushion, I would avoid the other thickness sock especially if he wears them out fast. The warranty is awesome, you don’t have to mail your old sock back like darn tough either!