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ExHempKnight OP t1_j92v6uc wrote

Yeah, it doesn't take much effort to keep things in good shape. But even that seems a tall order for some people. Especially if they're communal-use tools. There's a reason I have my own personal torque wrenches and other assorted calibrated tooling at my job (aircraft mechanic).


surfaholic15 t1_j92z2wk wrote

Yep, whenever hubby is working with anyone I look at how they keep their tools. If I see precision things mishandled I give him a heads up so he knows to keep an eye on his good tools if he has to use them lol.

He recently helped a friend rebuild a CAT excavator engine. That buddy of his is really professional. Tables laid out, tools and parts organized at all times, everything carefully cleaned and repainted before reassembly. It was a joy to see them doing the job right :-). Winter is equipment maintenance season.