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F-21 t1_ja6psvk wrote

Don't. It's a 14-15$ file. I think you'll be disappointed at 40$...

Japanese stuff is way cheaper on Japanese Amazon. Sadly the shipping is pricey but if you bundle it up with other stuff it gets really cheap (like, I sometimes buy Japanese tools, they're often quite affordable - Vessel screwdrivers are 3-6€ for top notch quality, Engineer pliers, Olfa, Tsunoda pliers, KTC tools etc... Koken and Nepros are also cheaper than elsewhere, but they're sill not cheap - though best quality stuff on the market for sure).


IcemanofOz t1_ja6rl8g wrote

Cheers, I'll check it out. I'm in Australia and the best price I could find was closer to 50 dollars plus shipping...