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plantas-y-te t1_j7uwlkp wrote

I love that French press. It’s an absolute tank


stopmakinsense t1_j7v7vun wrote

Same, I'll never go back to a glass french press. Keeps your coffee warm for a long time as well.


truckthunders t1_j7wvoq7 wrote

That could make your coffee taste less than ideal, if you are storing the brewed coffee in there. French press needs to come off the grounds after the brew or it will over extract. I suppose if you mean it keeps it hotter during the brewing time, you’re right about that. But then if it is hotter in the cafetière it will brew slightly faster too.


CeruleanRuin t1_j7x5wqk wrote

Well a typical French press only makes three or four cups worth of coffee at a time anyway, so that's not going to sit around all that long, especially if you're not the only coffee drinker in the house.

We used to French press, but the coffee would always dip to slightly below ideal temperature by the second cup, so when our last carafe broke we never bothered replacing it. She drinks drip now and I use an Aero.


truckthunders t1_j7x6ze6 wrote

It's possible that over extraction could occur quickly, so the use of a thermal carafe to maintain the coffee's temperature would only be beneficial if you transfer the pressed coffee into it. This means that the statement about holding in the french press for a "long time" does not align with the importance of preserving the quality of the coffee. Imho.


karma_the_sequel t1_j7xg1ht wrote

That’s the purpose of the plunger. Depressing the plunger at the end of the brew compresses the grounds at the bottom of the container to prevent overbrewing.


truckthunders t1_j7xj9n8 wrote

That’s not true. The plunger is not impermeable and the grounds are still wet.


MGPS t1_j7v6uej wrote

Me too I bought it for camping and it took over the kitchen.