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t1_jaay3mt wrote

Most kids jackets I’ve seen have lines for multiple names. At least, my kid has handmedowns from Columbia, Osh kosh and Hatley and they all do.

Given a kid wears a coat for one season, and doesn’t wear them hard at the very young ages, an 18 month size coat ought to last for like… 10 kids. A baby coat even longer.


t1_jab0jm2 wrote

I got Osh K hand me downs that all three of my kids used, and the clothes were passed on. So at least 5 kids strong, and they were toddler's sizes.


t1_jab34ji wrote

I’m sure there are toddlers wearing the winter coat their parent wore out there somewhere. 😂


t1_jacuyxp wrote

I have several clothing pieces (specifically a pair of osh kosh overalls size 2T) that my husbands older cousin wore about 30 years ago, and then my husband and his 5 brothers all wore regularly growing up! My toddler wore them super regularly too, the only issue with them is one of the snaps is worn and pops open very easily. I plan to add a snap before my next little one wears them.


t1_jabjqmr wrote

I am 19 and the skis I learned on at 2 finally got passed down to somebody outside my family. 7 cousins learned to ski on them!


t1_jabtlzb wrote

Well my daughter is the youngest of four cousins and gets tons of clothes we then pass on but, and maybe it's a lifestyle thing, coats tend to be one of the things that don't last well. Baby age yes but after that she's wearing it every day without rotation and at daycare/school they spend lots of time outdoors in a muddy playground.


t1_jaccs67 wrote

Totally agree that the older kids are the harder they wear their clothes!


t1_jacdigp wrote

Yeah, but at 18 months that was already the case for mine. In fact worse because she spent more time on the ground probably.


t1_jacfxsf wrote

Fair. I buy our coats secondhand and there’s so many in near perfect condition that I think sadly many kids don’t go outside as much as yours.


t1_jaddt2q wrote

Kind of a skewed sample as the brands you listed are known for particular quality


t1_jadkfdx wrote

Right well this is BIFL? Get a $20 coat from old navy, get $20 worth of quality.

We buy all our kids winter stuff second hand. It’s amazing the kinds of things you can get so cheap. My kid has nicer winter boots than I do, and they cost 10$