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huntsvillian t1_j8he79p wrote

My vote (not wool though) is Ex Officio, i had to retire a few of my oldest pairs recently, but 10 years for a pair of underwear is pretty damn good. anti-microbial, easy to wash/dry, etc.


hartfordmove t1_j8ijniy wrote

Elastic in the ones I bought a couple of years ago lasted less than a year.


trigerfish t1_j8jrv05 wrote

+1. Going on 7 years with no issues. Maybe minor loss of elasticity.


Cmr017 t1_j8lgead wrote

Totally agree! Ex Officio is the best.


Jjacks_northwest t1_j8lo1en wrote

I rocked my first 3 pairs for over 10 years. They were the best by far. I have had several iterations of the same give-n-gos since and none have performed as well. A couple seemed close, but none hit that bar. I am actively searching for the next great pair myself.