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Girhinomofe t1_j8izlm0 wrote

Reply to comment by swordgeek in Best set of chef knives ? by MatineHen

This comment, and the others underneath it, are 100% on point.

Sets suck; you’ll invariably end up with at least one blade you never use, and the overall quality of the blades often suffer in favor of the convenience to get ‘em all in one shot.

I also agree that the feel of a particular knife is very personal, so it’s a decent idea to horse around at a Williams Sonoma, Sur La Table, or (preferably) a local quality kitchenware store to help inform your decision. Weight, balance, and handle style are all personal preferences that we on the internet can help guide your consideration but not make the final call for you. A lot of folks love European blades like Wusthof, but I find them too heavy and have opted for a handmade American knife with carbon steel blade for my primary three (Cut Brooklyn chef and paring, Muteki nakiri).

I cook at home 6 nights a week and expect my knives to do their job well and predictably. Suggesting my specific choices is irrelevant (as noted above), but the styles of knives I chose for my quiver are well rounded for a wide gamut of prep needs:
• 210mm chef knife
• 8” burly, inexpensive chef knife (i.e. Henckels or Victorinox) for hammering away at things like nuts, chocolate, or yucca
• 5” utility / paring knife for detail cuts
• Nakiri style blade for quick vegetable dispatching
• A good-ass 9” bread knife (in this instance, I’ll say that Shun makes an exceptional blade)
• Long-blade slicing knife
• Boning / filet knife
• Quality pair of kitchen shears

That’s honestly all you’d likely need for 95% of prep work, and there is probably no set that would include everything without some disappointing inclusions or useless extra blades. Also, a magnetic wall holder is way more hygienic than the block style holder as well.


ClnSlt t1_j8nllv3 wrote

I have a Shun set and am happy with everything that came in it.

My favorite is the 6” utility knife I use the shears all the time Bread knife is amazing

I actually use the Chef’s knife the least nowadays even though that is all I was a line cook. I don’t do much heavy cooking since we had a kid but when I used to, it worked wonders for chopping.

When I was a line cook I used Forschner and Victorinox.

I’ve also liked using the Wustof knives.