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HIGH_PRESSURE_TOILET t1_ja8i7u1 wrote

Reply to comment by ladz in Le Crueset still BIFL? by pussayforlife

it's Le Creuset not Le Crueset lmao. OP makes one typo and a whole chain of comments just gets it wrong too smh


ladz t1_ja8qrd4 wrote

always gotta be one :)


Meowmeowpotatoes t1_ja8rd7t wrote

Does your username relate to you being a shithead?


HIGH_PRESSURE_TOILET t1_ja8thwj wrote

Spelling it correctly helps future people who are searching for opinions on products on this subreddit, making the post more useful overall. It would be nice if people would put in the minimal amount of effort necessary to spell things corright.


Meowmeowpotatoes t1_ja8ubh7 wrote

But being an ass about it helps no one. Google will autocorrect for them. Your comment was unnecessary


TheCakemeister t1_ja8w8j3 wrote

Yes, Google will correct the search term, and then not show the typo that is posted.
