>This means that passing is common. Passing today requires entering the vehicle lane
>Passing on a divided bike lane can be pretty inconvenient. For anyone that goes, try to scrutinize this part of the design.
Exactly. Physically confining cyclists is a win for drivers, but bad for cyclists.
Build this, and you'll probably see lots of folks opting for the car lane instead - which is fully legal in Massachusetts, and quite appropriate at the volume of usage depicted in that picture.
An actually useful bike lane is space that we can use when being passed by cars at the hours where that's actually possible, and space that we can leave when that's what is required.
Plus confining cyclists to a fixed, second class space fails to match the desire to use subsidies to get people who would not currently bike onto an e-bike - e-bikes break the idea that bikes have different needs from cars, as they put even less-athletic folks in that uncanny valley between cherished beliefs of distinction that were never true to begin with.
And that's even before getting into the intersection conflicts...
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