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cycler_97 t1_jd3k6oi wrote

Is this something new? I thought there was already an amendment to the Affordable Housing Overlay that’s going before the committee tomorrow. I’ve voiced my support for that amendment by email.

I understand you are the author of this proposal. What is your affiliation/credential by the way?


blackdynomitesnewbag OP t1_jd42h0g wrote

This is in fact new and not related to the AHO amendments.

I am the author of this petition and this is my solo endeavor. I'm on the board of The Cambridge Residence Alliance and Green Cambridge. I'm a co-founder and the treasurer of Upgrade Cambridge. I'm also a member of The Port Organizing Group. I have a technical degree from MIT which lends itself to understanding and making zoning amendments, however it is not civil engineering or urban planning based. I've been involved in Cambridge politics since 2018. I've seen a few zoning petitions go by and have used what I learned from them when crafting this one. I've met with city staff from the CDC about previous zoning proposals, and briefly with the Cambridge Director of Zoning & Development about my current proposal.