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crazicus t1_iwcx7gt wrote

You are mistaken.

> “We’re just doing an introduction to the project tonight, looking for broad feedback on safety issues, parking and loading needs, and things like that. There’s no specific design yet,” said Elise Harmon-Freeman, communications manager for the Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department of the City of Cambridge, on Tuesday evening.

They have been forthright with their data. They say exactly when and where they collected it. Not sure what more you want.


ClarkFable t1_iwcyav6 wrote

My first post explained how the statement about % of travel modes in OP's article is potentially misleading (i then demonstrated how it is misleading by referring to additional data--at some other commenters request). And here is the project plan that notes the impact on vehicle lanes, parking and loading.

My work here is done, unless you can think of something else to argue about. Cheers.