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IntelligentCicada363 t1_iwppghe wrote

Love the guy in here starting shit about bike lanes on Hampshire Street as if its even remotely controversial whether or not there is enough bike traffic on that road to justify separated bike lanes.

Meanwhile a guy in Cambridge was arrested yesterday on Hampshire St for crashing his car while drunk, high, open bottle of vodka, no license, and three children in the back seat. “BuT iT Is SO sAfE!!!!!111”.

A few days ago in North Cambridge some clown crashed the car into a house in clear conditions.

But yea, bike lanes are so awful.


CJYP t1_iwv6reg wrote

You just have to remember Reddit isn't reality. People sit on reddit whining and complaining about everything (myself included). But there's a lot more people out there doing the work to make the city safer and nicer for everyone.