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teddyone t1_ixocvj6 wrote

I know it’s a little counter intuitive but Apartments being fancy doesn’t make them expensive. It’s the scarcity. The “luxury” apartments of 5 or 10 years ago are normal market apts now. If developers build 100,000 “luxury” units right now, prices will fall for everyone because that’s 100,000 fewer people to compete against for housing.

Also I have taken the T to work for years. It sucks sometimes, but it could be a lot worse. If you want to live in a city center, don’t expect a parking spot.


Goldenrule-er t1_ixoz3vk wrote

This market will never satisfy demand for housing well enough to lower costs.

I often outwalk the bus on a 3 mile walk to/from work.

Parking minimums are .5 spaces per unit. No one is being forced to buy parking. There just isn't enough.