Submitted by Akahaasu t3_znsbej in CambridgeMA

I'm an MIT student looking for good cozy study spaces in Cambridge. If you're familiar with Cal Newport's stuff, I'm looking for a regular place to do deep work.

Any suggestions would be great 🤠



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corned_beef_balls t1_j0izez2 wrote

Why not look at MIT itself? There are a lot of nice study spots there. My favorite was a conference room on the top floor of the green building. Otherwise, I would just use empty classrooms.


marrakechblue t1_j0jdxtk wrote

Cambridge Public Library on Broadway is my favorite


FitzwilliamTDarcy t1_j0jvb6n wrote

A bit of a hike into Boston but the Athenaeum is amazing.


drkr731 t1_j0kxh5i wrote

The Cambridge library on Broadway and the Boston Public Library in Copley square are both great options. The Athenaeum in downtown as well. for coffee shops, Barismo on Broadway and Render Cafe in Columbus downtown are some go to places I go to work


sorakone t1_j0l10y9 wrote

Not very cozy, but my favorite place to study in undergrad at MIT was Barker Library at the big tables off the dome reading room. The tables were great for spreading out all my study materials, there's a bathroom nearby, and the library is 24/7 (or at least it was).

Another favorite place was when my friend that lived in McCormick invited me over and we went to the penthouse lounge space. Great views of Boston but it isn't a dedicated study space so people might be talking, also you'd need someone in McCormick to let you in.

I lived in Simmons and there was a few lounges at the time that weren't used as much as others. I'd go to those for studying and a lot of the lounges have comfy bean bags and couches.


bluegoobeard t1_j0l3ywd wrote

When I was there I would cycle through Athena clusters (in my time they were debathena machines and very few people used them), the various libraries (excellent study spaces, especially Barker and Hayden), occasionally rooms in the student center, literally any classroom that didn’t have a locked door (ever done a pset together on a bunch of blackboards? It’s an excellent way to work together), and anywhere you have special access to through UROPs or anything like that if you’re looking for places particularly quiet.

Off campus, the central branch of the Cambridge Public Library or probably most other public libraries (particularly any recently renovated ones)


bluegoobeard t1_j0l4a9r wrote

McCormick had a penthouse lounge? That’s pretty awesome. I’m a dude and never saw more than the entryway, I was postering for MITERS once and they wouldn’t even let me past the entryway to put it up on the bulletin board. I left it at the front desk and crossed my fingers that someone remembered to put it up either when the desk worker finished their shift or asked someone else to put it up.


Reasonable_Move9518 t1_j0m5dcb wrote

Barismo doesn't have internet IIRC.

I went there early 2021 to do a big edit on a paper (all text, no need for the interwebs, in fact the interwebs would just be a distraction). I sat down and opened my laptop and the barista was like, "Sir, there's no WiFi here".

I took a slow sip from my cappuccino,

looked them in the eye,

and said, "I know."