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HaddockBranzini-II t1_j18ctam wrote

Based on my past experience in this sub, people are going to be upset at the pedestrian.


elizag19 t1_j18hs1f wrote

Though I’m sure being assaulted is rare, getting almost hit in a crosswalk by a bicyclist isn’t…


SSA78 t1_j18jimv wrote

As a Cambridge resident for 22 years you are right.

Let the down votes start

Edit: only -12 votes? The Cambridge bike mafia can do better than that. Fyi, I'm a bikerin Cambridge myself and an embarrassed at how over 90% of them ride. No regard for the rules of the road unless it suites them. I don't want to hear about how bad cars are when I see bikers run red lights daily. We are talking about how this Ahole biker assaulted someone.


vhalros t1_j18r99j wrote

I hope they catch him.


_Hack_The_Planet_ t1_j18r9ls wrote

Posting that picture is perfunctory and serves no purpose other than to say that they posted a picture.


conditioned_operant t1_j18snvm wrote

You can be a piece of shit regardless of your mode of transit. Nobody should be defending this guy, and also there’s nothing about how normal people bike that has anything to do with this asshole.


akanefive t1_j18t62d wrote

You may think that the downvotes you're getting confirms your opinion that people on this sub are upset at the pedestrian, but rest assured, you're getting downvoted for an ad hominem statement that generalizes all cyclists.


IntelligentCicada363 t1_j190isn wrote

Love that you can look at cambridge PD reports and see that pedestrians are sent to the hospital almost on a daily basis after getting hit by cars, yet this is somehow some major scandal. typical.


moodyDipole t1_j191r1z wrote

Exactly. I'm not condoning the behavior of the bicyclist -- we should all be careful to not hurt anyone else if we're biking or driving -- but cars are a much more significant threat to the safety of cyclists and pedestrians yet cars get away with so much dangerous behavior without cops batting an eye.


Chunderbutt t1_j19a433 wrote

Good thing he was on a bike and not in an SUV I suppose


Sicamore21 t1_j19undi wrote

What does that have to do with this actual assault? Wether or not this guy has control has nothing to do with purposefully assaulting someone. You’re just airing a personal frequency.


Sicamore21 t1_j19vrdh wrote

Even though this incident has NOTHING to do with the way someone rides a bike as this is a DELIBERATE assault on someone, I just feel the need to say that half the reason cyclists ride so aggressively is because 90% of the time you’re literally fighting for your life against miserable cagers that recognize automobiles as the ONLY means of transportation. Y’all don’t understand what it’s like out there. If you’re passive you’re at much more of a risk. An angry honking car has admitted to seeing you. If they hit you it’s on purpose. A distracted driver(maybe every single one of you?) isn’t gonna see you all the way over in the bike lane. Grow up. Slow down. Enjoy your $50,000 cars. There is literally no need to be going over 20 mph in Boston or Cambridge.


Sicamore21 t1_j1a48y0 wrote

What if the pedestrian is just a bitter angry person? What if they’re both wrong? What if the pedestrian has a vendetta against bikes and yells each time they see them? You don’t know the story. It doesn’t make this assault right, but y’all are sooooo quick to act like you were there at the scene when you have absolutely no idea how things went down.


Sicamore21 t1_j1a7lzw wrote

It is in my circle though? Your little band of people are not the only humans in the world. I’m assuming you must refer to like really good athletes as “heroes” or something right? That is not normal.


Beansontoast7 t1_j1bxxq2 wrote

For extra fun, be sure to read the battle of wits going on in the comments of the article.