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conditioned_operant t1_j5vw0lg wrote

Haven't seen one. Would love for there to be one. SF has The List[1], I don't see why we can't have something like this for Somerbridge.


Hot tip: I occasionally take the venues I like and scrape a song from each act playing over the next month into a big ass playlist that I play on shuffle. If you hear something you like, chances are good you found a new band to enjoy, and guess what? They've got a show in two weeks.


conditioned_operant t1_j5vyact wrote

I have no idea where to start with the local music scene. When I lived back West, I somehow knew enough people that I would go to house shows, underground venues etc. Best concert I ever went to was at a place called "The Hole," which was the basement of a house in West Oakland. Killed by gentrification now. If you got ideas on how to find smaller shows lmk


hemidemi OP t1_j5w5xnx wrote

I can't help with underground shows but it seems like there are a bunch of small venues that have shows several nights a week (Atwood's, Lilypad, Lizard Lounge, etc.). I just wish there was one calendar where you could find all the listings instead of needing to hop between all their sites


dsjoint t1_j5w94v3 wrote

Not sure, but if you do make one I'd love to be pinged about it!


[deleted] t1_j5waye9 wrote

Boston Hassle used to have this for more indy / local scene, maybe they still do? I have to just bookmark the venues I like calendars and search those occasionally. I've also had some okay luck with Songkick and Bandsintown but it's not exhaustive.


SheeEttin t1_j5wjvij wrote

I think you'll have the best luck by following venues and artists on social media like Instagram. They'll usually promote their upcoming stuff that way.


CancelledJamboreen t1_j5yov9x wrote

I’ve found lists of music events in an independent arts newspaper in 1369 coffeeshop before, though I don’t know the name of the paper. I think they come out monthly with arts calendars for the month.