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theotherlittleguy t1_j655g5l wrote

Alternatively, the meter maids in Cambridge could chill. I've gotten parking tickets for not having a resident permit on the block I live which they put on the windshield in FRONT of my resident permit and still had an appeal denied.


Cambridge parking enforcement is just a shakedown. These meter maids are useless


becausefrog t1_j6594vt wrote

It's really dependent on your neighborhood. My neighbor has been parking without a permit going on 5 years now. In all that time he's only gotten 2 tickets. He can't get a permit because it's a company-owned car.


whymauri t1_j67f1vj wrote

My roommates car broke down in Riverside with NY plates and was left parked for 7 months through the winter without a single ticket. Not one lol.


waffles2go2 t1_j65f4tu wrote

>These meter maids are useless

Yeah, we should defund them so people could leave their cars for free on the streets forever!

That would solve this problem!