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IamUnamused t1_j8lbakr wrote

Reply to comment by dtmfadvice in Housing by Zaritta_b_me

The broker advertises the apartment, shows the apartment, vets applicants, conducts background checks, facilitates paperwork, draws up the lease, and answers any questions that arise. Almost no work!


zepporamone t1_j8lgpgb wrote

The broker cuts and pastes generic and often inaccurate descriptions of apartments to Craigslist, shows up late to show apartments that don't actually meet the specifications of the potential renter, makes a bunch of broad assumptions about the character of the potential renter on the basis of often racist/classist ballyhoo, photocopies a picture ID and submits a simple CORI check, facilitates the printing and stapling of leases and other paperwork largely pulled from standardized templates, and tells you that they'll look into those questions and then stops returning your calls once they've found some poor hapless college students desperate enough to rent the rat trap. Yeah, pretty much no actual work!