Recent comments in /f/CambridgeMA

geek_m0m t1_jdwqewj wrote

Another e-bike friendly shop is Battle Road Bikes, just beyond Arlington off the Minuteman Trail in Lexington. I’m not sure if they’d service a Priority Current but they are really cool people and I want them to get more business.


yesimon t1_jdwnjao wrote

For calculating historical heat loss that is for you to do. Outside contractors don’t have your historical fuel bills.

Since you have central ducting, system design is easy - any HVAC contractor can install a appropriately sized central heat pump to replace a furnace.

Final note is that the operating cost of a heat pump in Cambridge is currently more expensive than a natural gas furnace.


yesimon t1_jdwjkv3 wrote

You don't want an HVAC engineer (people who prototype HVAC equipment to be made in factories), and as you correctly surmised most contractors won't put in much effort on system design either.

Given this is a condo in Cambridge, it likely is a very old building. This means even Manual J calculations by "diligent HVAC contractors" are probably very inaccurate. The best way to size a system would be to use your historical fuel consumption from past years This will be the most accurate way to determine your empirical heat loss, which would determine sizing, the most important design factor in a heat pump.

Further details about system design and selecting equipment will depend on your specific needs and considerations.


kobeyashidog t1_jdw4ks4 wrote

Yes on the assessors website. I believe this kicks in if you sign up and after being there for a year? Anyone know if this is true? It’s also only for owner occupied


rachellambblack t1_jduxs4w wrote

I do think is the most exhaustive listings aggregator and it has an interface that is easier to filter and scan new listings vs the ones that you’ve viewed before. That said, there are plenty of small landlords in Cambridge who just list apartments for rent via signage in front of the building and you do learn a lot by walking through your desired neighborhoods!


unfeatheredbird t1_jdurqro wrote

I found my last two Cambridge apartments through a realtor and neither of them were posted elsewhere. That being said that was quite a long while ago so things may have changed. But at least you avoid scams on CL and other sites by going directly through a broker.


mtmsm t1_jdur9rc wrote

Your other option is to talk to a real estate broker. They have their own listings of apartments that landlords are looking to rent. In my experience I’ve already seen 90% of them by searching on my own (since brokers will also post the units on craigslist/zillow/facebook). Good luck!