Recent comments in /f/CambridgeMA

MatNomis t1_jeaf1fj wrote

Are you including the Starbucks at Broadway Market and the one halfway to Porter as being “in the Square”? Because the Square has fewer Starbucks now than it’s had in the past two decades.

Not long ago, there was a Starbucks on Church Street, a Starbucks in the Garage, and then the big one by the Pit right outside the main T entrance. Those have all had a fair amount of seating space and have all closed and are replaced by the small one in the former Curious George space.


bunk_debunk t1_jea4n2a wrote

Which Starbuck's did they go to? Since one recently opened in the lobby of the old Curious George, I think there are now like four in the Square. LOL, but true. And ridiculous.

Anyway, every generation has its own memories of Harvard Square. When I was about 16 and living in upstate NY, I visited a friend whose family had moved to Orange and we drove across the state just to hang out in Harvard Square. Much later, I have now lived near the Square for 25 years.

I've seen a lot of changes, but I try not to get too wistful about the way things used to be.

Rather, I like to say that the one constant in Harvard Square going back to its beginning in 1630 is the complaining about change, and I'd rather live in a place where change is pretty constant rather than rare.


emilyjoy375 t1_je9m6ub wrote

No children, but I had this happen with my fiancé and I as well when we were trying to rent as incoming graduate students. Luckily we were both still working at the time as we hadn’t started the fall semester yet, so we eventually just stopped mentioning the fact that we would be transitioning to graduate school. The market is so insanely competitive atm — one time after an application was rejected I asked the realtor if he could give me any feedback on our application and he said “Oh nothing, this landlord just doesn’t want to rent to anyone under 35, or any students.” He had gotten 25 applications that day and rejected all of them.

I don’t have much advice beyond perhaps don’t mention anything that’s not directly asked, and try to find a good realtor who will start showing you apartments that are unlisted — and maybe ask if you can meet in-person with the landlord at the showing. Best of luck out there!!


AmserJ t1_je9m3zv wrote

Further afield: Rancatore’s in Belmont or Lexington (fantastic ice cream and can get small or large). Kimball Farm in Westford or Carlisle. Protip: ask for “extra thick” frappe at Kimball’s.