Recent comments in /f/CambridgeMA

MatNomis t1_jed0nsq wrote

Why vacant? I’d imagine a combo of turnover, construction, and pandemic effects. But I can only speculate. Turnover is always a thing, construction is sometimes a thing, and the pandemic was pretty unique. Hopefully the current vacancy levels settle down. The theater location has been vacant since well before the pandemic, so there must be greater issues at play there. It’d be great to have something there again. That address dominates half of Church St.


waffles2go2 t1_jed0i25 wrote

PRC seemed to somehow ignore the oblitrization/commercialization of the square. Not unlike Faneuil Hall, which became all "Mall Stores" before Malls became extinct.

Used to have small independent shops and restaurants and was a draw even though it was impossible to park...

Now it's barely worth visiting.


lycon3 t1_jecruok wrote

It's mostly parking lots, nail salons and insurance companies, and a few interesting restaurants. I'm there in the day several times a month and it's pretty bleak to just get coffee and find something to do. Not that Harvard Square is some kind of utopia at the moment, but I don't think Medford Square is it either.


okethan t1_jecejyn wrote

Multiple pizza places including Pinocchio s. Multiple book stores including the independent Harvard Bookstore. Multiple ice cream places including the local Lizzy’s. Multiple,coffee shops. Harvard Yard. JFK park.Winthrop park…