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fergiethefocus t1_jdxfamg wrote

It's 2023. People really need to learn to screen or not answer unrecognised calls.


tacitus59 t1_jdxicqn wrote

Frankly caller-id needs to be free on all lines.


hymie0 t1_je1baoq wrote

Caller ID is not reliable. It is easy to spoof.

There used to be web sites that would do it for free, but all the ones I can find right now require logins and subscriptions.


throway35885328 t1_je0b5r4 wrote

As someone who is looking for a job, and receives unrecognized calls often to schedule interviews, I can’t afford to not answer the phone


fergiethefocus t1_je0vdvd wrote

  1. A reputable company will show their phone number as "verified"

  2. If they don't leave you a voicemail, that's probably a bad sign as to their professionalism.

I mean, if you answer every single call you get, that is your right, but you're wasting a lot of time to scammers by not taking simple precautions.


Subject_Lab2001 t1_je9x3ic wrote

When I had more free time, I used to enjoy speaking with the scammers. They usually end up getting pissed and hanging up. I like to see how long I can keep them on the phone.

As time goes on, I become more and more ridiculous. It is amazing how much they will put up with if they think you'll fall for their nonsense.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to do that in a while. Life has become too busy.