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machweee t1_j0qne6r wrote

Well shucks! So glad you like them. Was really nice to meet you! Those MAC knives are really a joy to sharpen :) I've noticed it's really hard to find sharpening services that don't involve someone putting a mediocre edge on your knife using a machine. Manual sharpening with water stones creates an amazing edge. Most places won't do it, because it takes much much more time and care than a machine.

If there are any other folks who want to give my services a go, shoot me a DM. Will give same deal as I gave OP. Suggested fee is $10/knife/pair of kitchen shears. If the knife needs tip repair, major chips, etc., a few bucks more would be appreciated!

You can shoot me a Venmo after you bring them home and decide whether or not my services met/exceeded expectations. If you find yourself unimpressed, no payment necessary and no hard feelings!