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BakeBeginning7863 t1_j1goxdl wrote

This place is over taxed, over priced, and full of crime.


Wjbskinsfan t1_j1i56eu wrote

You won’t hear me argue about the first 2. You are however objectively wrong about the crime.


BakeBeginning7863 t1_j1gozam wrote

PA, And WV are both much better places to live. And it really isn’t close.


animeguru t1_j1hvuvw wrote

Feel free to relocate then?


BakeBeginning7863 t1_j1i0dgm wrote

I absolutely am once my lease is up.


throway35885328 t1_j1im1qi wrote

Same once I can afford to move I am. Not because of the crime though, it’s really not that bad in KC I live like a 5 minute walk from OP I just hate it here